The Influence of Social and Individual Variables on Ethnic Attitudes in Guatemala
Brien K. Ashdown, Judith L. Gibbons, Jana Hackathorn, Richard D. Harvey
DOI: 10.4236/psych.2011.22013   PDF    HTML     5,737 Downloads   10,702 Views   Citations


Ethnic attitudes may be a consequence of both group membership, as posited by Social Identity Theory (SIT), and of individual difference characteristics, as posited by Social Dominance Theory. University students in Guatemala (N = 196) reported their ethnic identity and completed a battery of surveys including Social Dominance Orientation (SDO), social distance, gender role attitudes, and social desirability scales. Results indicated that similar ethnicity, low SDO, close social distance and egalitarian gender role attitudes accurately predicted positive attitudes toward the Indigenous group. Similar ethnicity, close social distance, and high social desirability predicted positive attitudes toward the super-ordinate (Ladino) group. These results imply that many factors affect attitudes toward ethnic groups, such as SDO, gender role attitudes and social desirability. These results have implications for theories of inter-group relations and also for potential interventions to improve ethnic relations in Guatemala.

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Ashdown, B. , Gibbons, J. , Hackathorn, J. & Harvey, R. (2011). The Influence of Social and Individual Variables on Ethnic Attitudes in Guatemala. Psychology, 2, 78-84. doi: 10.4236/psych.2011.22013.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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