Empowerment Online: Feminist Adult Learning Strategies


The purpose of this is to investigate how adult female learners constitute their perceptions of self and learning behavior in an internet learning environmentweblog. Based on previous qualitative research method and literature review, this study intended to develop and validate a feminist adult learning strategy scale (FALSS) to understand the women’s learning strategy by applying weblogs. 417 valid data from the participants in two studies (exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis) were analyzed for the purpose. The results of these studies supported a 15-item, 4-factor FALSS: Empowerment Attempt, Sharing Expe- riences, Participatory Learning, and Critical Thinking and Open-Mindedness.

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Chu, R. (2014) Empowerment Online: Feminist Adult Learning Strategies. Creative Education, 5, 141-144. doi: 10.4236/ce.2014.53022.

Table 1.

Received December 31st, 2013; revised January 31st, 2014; accepted February 7th, 2014

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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