Impact of Students’ Reading Preferences on Reading Achievement


The reading preferences of 13-year-old boys and girls were examined to identify the factors determining reading achievement. Students from each Canadian province and one territory (N = 20,094) completed a questionnaire on, among others, the types of in-class reading activities. T-test results indicate that the boys spent more time reading textbooks, magazines, newspapers, Internet articles and electronic encyclopedias, while the girls read more novels, fiction, informative or nonfiction texts, and books from the school or local libraries. Logistical regression shows that reading achievement for both sexes was determined by identical reading preferences: reading novels, informative texts, and books from the school library, as well as level of interest in the class reading material and participation in the discussions on what was read in class.

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Bouchamma, Y. , Poulin, V. , Basque, M. and Ruel, C. (2013) Impact of Students’ Reading Preferences on Reading Achievement. Creative Education, 4, 484-491. doi: 10.4236/ce.2013.48070.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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