Analysis of the stomatognathic system after anterior cruciate ligamentplasty


Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the presence of postural imbalances, which can interfere with the mandible position and affect the actions of the stomatognathic system. Materials and Methods: Forty men, aged between 23 to 29 years, were selected and divided into two groups: Group I comprised 20 healthy individuals with no clinical postural change diagnosis; Group II, 20 individuals who had ACL surgical, unilateral with patellar tendon graft, paired individual to individual (age and weight). All of them were submitted to an electromyography in different clinical conditions. In addition, a condylar biomechanical assessment was performed through videogrametry. Results: In electromyography and videogrametry, a normal standard biomechanical was observed for both groups, however, Group GII—Ligamentplasty presented an inhibition of the masticatory muscles and decreased joint kinesthetic. Conclusion: Based on the results obtained, it was concluded that after the reconstruction of the ACL, individuals presented changes in the stomatog-nathic system.

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Ferreira, B. , da Silva, G. , Verri, E. , Semprini, M. , Siéssere, S. , Nepomuceno, E. , Nepomuceno, V. , de Carvalho, C. and Regalo, S. (2012) Analysis of the stomatognathic system after anterior cruciate ligamentplasty. Open Journal of Stomatology, 2, 88-94. doi: 10.4236/ojst.2012.22016.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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