Exploring the Role of “Four Histories” in a New Era


“Four histories deal with the history of the CPC, the PRC, the reform and opening-up, and socialist development in the world. This paper examines the highlights and the relationship of “four histories”. It also explores how “four histories” and four-sphere confidence are mutually reinforcing. Review and study of four histories” ensures a correct understanding of historical experience, giving rise to historical confidence. Education of this kind is necessary to uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, and to realize the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation.

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Shu, D. (2022) Exploring the Role of “Four Histories” in a New Era. Open Journal of Political Science, 12, 389-401. doi: 10.4236/ojps.2022.123023.

1. Introduction

History is the best teacher. It teaches us what man has done, and gives worthwhile lessons we should learn. History liberates the mind and strengthens the will. “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” This quote is often mistakenly attributed to Winston Churchill, who famously introduced it to the public. It is actually written by George Santayna. History offers us much to learn. It arms us with the context and knowledge of an event, producing accurate understandings while shedding light on the present. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in 2012, the CPC Central Committee, with general secretary Xi Jinping at its core, has repeatedly stressed the importance of history study, history that covers the CPC, the People’s Republic of China (PRC), the reform and opening-up, and socialist development in the world. In October of 2019, the history of reform and opening-up was designated by the 4th plenary session of the 19th CPC National Congress as part of the campaign to institutionalize and routinize conviction education, in addition to the CPC history and the history of the PRC. January of 2020 saw general secretary Xi Jinping deliver a speech at the campaign themed on “staying true to our founding mission”, adding the history of world socialism to three other histories— CPC history, PRC history, and the history of reform and opening-up. General Secretary Xi Jinping called on more efforts to deepen the study, education, and promotion of “four histories” in order to better understand and make good use of the historical experience (Xi, 2020).

Study of “four histories” calls for full participation of the younger generation as well as CPC members. China’s youth should be encouraged to study history and culture so as to have a clear, correct understanding of their motherland and enhance their national pride. President Xi Jinping said June 27, 2020—in a reply letter to CPC members as volunteers at exhibition hall of the Communist Manifesto in Fudan University—that “all CPC members, particularly young ones, are urged to deepen study of Marxism, combined with study of the history of the CPC, the PRC, and world socialism. They should have firm ideals and convictions through study of ‘four histories’ while staying true to their original aspiration and founding mission with high aim and hard work” (Xinhua News Agency, 2020). University students reach the vital stage in the formation of ideals, values, and convictions. “Four histories” are essential to the development of a correct view of history, nation, and state. Study of “Four Histories” enhances Chinese people’s love for the CPC, their country, and socialism with Chinese characteristics. It also boosts the image of the CPC and China’s cultural soft power.

This paper examines the highlights and the relationship of “four histories”. It also explores how “four histories” and four-sphere confidence are mutually reinforcing. Review and Study of “four histories” ensures a correct understanding of historical experience, giving rise to historical confidence. Education of this kind is necessary to uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, and to realize the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation.

2. Highlights of “Four Histories”

“Four histories” consist of the history of the CPC, the PRC, world socialism, and the reform and opening-up, covering a variety of events and issues with a wide time span.

The CPC history spans the period from 1921 to the present day, composed of arduous struggle, theoretical innovation, and party building. The CPC has united and led the Chinese people to achieve national independence and people’s liberation, to make a strong, prosperous China, and to strive for common prosperity. The past 100-plus years saw the CPC fulfilling its original aspiration and founding mission by leading the Chinese people to achieve better wellbeing and national rejuvenation. Led by the CPC, the Chinese people won the great victory of the new democratic revolution, overthrew feudalism, imperialism, and bureaucrat-capitalism, founded the People’s Republic of China, carried out the socialist revolution, and involved themselves in reform and opening-up. As president Xi (2018b) put it, “The Chinese nation has achieved a tremendous transformation from standing up, growing rich to becoming strong.” The CPC has upheld the lofty ideal of communism and socialism with Chinese characteristics. That party has contributed much to world socialism, as “scientific socialism is full of vitality in the 21st century China” (Xi, 2017). It has scored one victory after another thanks to the guidance of Marxism. President Xi (2013) said, “a development perspective is needed to uphold Marxism and socialism” (p. 114). The CPC has developed Mao Zedong Thought and theory of socialism with Chinese Characteristics by adapting the basic tenets of Marxism to China’s realities. It enriches and expands Marxism by deepening reform and launching education campaigns.

The history of the PRC concerns the course of revolution, construction, and reform under the leadership of the CPC. It is focused on building socialism and realizing national rejuvenation. The founding of PRC in 1949 created the fundamental political conditions and built the institutional foundations for realizing national rejuvenation. The CPC has since rallied the people together in achieving success in socialist revolution and construction. It has also promoted socialist industrialization and modernization, enabling development of socialism and a better life for the people. China has been transformed from a backward country into a modern socialist one. The 70-plus years of PRC witnesses remarkable improvement in various institutions and people’s living standard. It offers spiritual bond for the people to work hard together for national rejuvenation.

The history of reform and opening-up started with the 3rd Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of CPC in 1978. This historic decision was made, based on the invaluable experience in socialist revolution and development, and on a full understanding of people’s needs and aspirations. Reform and opening-up is the great revolution that has promoted big progress in the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. It is also a great reawakening of the CPC, fostering creativity and spiritual motivation. This visionary policy set China on the road to growth and prosperity. China has made big strides on the way of becoming rich and strong. The reform and opening-up has contributed to world socialism and will go down in history.

The three historic events—the establishment of the CPC, the founding of the PRC and the reform and opening-up—are the milestones on the way to national rejuvention in contemporary China.

The history of world socialism covers the period from utopian socialism to scientific socialism, from theory to practice in dozens of countries across the world. It deals with the evolution of world socialism over the past 500 years. Study of socialist history deepens our understanding of socialism with Chinese characteristics as well as the experience and lessons gained in the journey of socialist construction in other countries. There is no one-size-fits-all model of socialism. Socialism with Chinese characteristics is produced by integrating the basic tenets of Marxism with China’s actual conditions. The practice and theoretical innovation of building socialism with Chinese characteristics contributes to the development of world socialism in modern times.

3. “Four Histories” as an Organic Unity

History of the CPC and the PRC helps CPC members remain true to the founding mission of the Party, and promote Party-building through deepening the self-reform in the new era. In 2019, the CPC launched a campaign on the theme of “staying true to the founding mission”. The Central Committee of the CPC issued Notice on Studying the History of the CPC and New China during the Campaign Themed on Staying True to the Founding Mission”, highlighting the significance of studying CPC history to help CPC members remain true to the founding mission of the Party. Since the CPC was founded in 1921 when the first CPC National Congress was held on a red boat on Nanhu Lake in Zhejiang province, the great founding spirit of the Party has inspired generations of CPC members during the long journey of revolution, construction, and reform and opening-up. The red boat spirit was introduced by president Xi Jinping who stressed that loyalty to the people is the essence of that spirit, propelling the revolution and construction in China. CPC members should remain true to their original aspiration and keep their mission in mind.

Over the past 100 years, the CPC has carried out self-reform to fulfill its mission. President Xi (2016) pointed out that we cannot forget the past no matter what a bright future we have and that we can never forget why and where we started. CPC members should keep in mind original aspiration and sense of mission to build a strong Party and a powerful country.

The CPC history offers a deep spiritual connection that unites the Chinese people in their efforts to realize the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation. In the past 100 years, the CPC has fostered a series of spirits, spirits that were born and developed over the course of China’s revolution, construction, and reform and opening-up under the leadership of the CPC. These great spirits motivate the CPC members and the Chinese people, enabling them to endure challenges, overcome difficulties, and make achievements. The constellation of spirits provides strong spiritual motivation to the efforts by the CPC and the Chinese people. They include the founding spirit of the CPC, Jinggangshan spirit, Long March spirit, Yan’an spirit, the spirit of the manned space program, and the spirit of battling the COVID-19 epidemic. This spiritual legacy represents the good character traits of CPC members. It should be carried forward into the future, contributing to the core socialist values and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

History is seen as the best textbook. Historical perspective offers insights into the governance of China. By studying history and learning lessons from the past we can sharpen our vision of the present and the future. The legacies of the past should be studied in the present. CPC history gives the most vital nutrient for Party members. It records valuable experience and lessons in the journey of arduous struggle and strife. This recipe for success helps us push forward the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. President Xi noted that “The Party’s history is the most vivid and convincing textbook.” He also stressed the need to draw strength from CPC history to build a modern socialist China (Xinhuanet, 2021b).

The history of the CPC features the exemplary role played by party members in uniting and leading the Chinese people. Review and study of this glorious history promotes Party’s image and enhances confidence in socialist path as well as the system. Jiao Yulu, an icon of hard work, plain living, and moral integrity, devoted his life to local development. He is always the first to bear hardships and the last to enjoy comforts. Jiao Yulu is a role model of integrity for CPC members and the Chinese people. His dedication, represented by the Spirit of Jiao Yulu, has inspired generations of CPC members and the Chinese people.

Socialist history runs through the history of Chinese civilization, the CPC, the PRC, and the reform and opening-up. The great victory the Chinese people won, under the leadership of the CPC, set the Chinese nation—with a history of over 5000 years—on the road to modernization. Chinese civilization has regained vitality in the process of modernization. The CPC has innovatively put 500-year socialism into practice in China, turning the most populous country into world’s second largest economy within 70-plus years. Reform and opening-up has enabled China to eradicate poverty. The past 40-plus years witnessed miraculous development of China. Review and study of “four histories” enhances confidence in socialist system by propelling the modernization of China’s system and capacity for governance.

Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC in 2012, President Xi Jinping has reiterated the importance of history learning and education. In a speech at the College of Europe, he said, “For any country in the world, the past always holds the key to the present and the present is always rooted in the past. Only when we know where a country came from, could we understand why the country is what it is today, and only then could we realize where that country is heading” (Xi, 2014). He called for more efforts to study some 500-year socialist history and rightly pointed that socialism with Chinese characteristics is the scientific socialism with Chinese style. His insights enhance confidence in the path, theory, system, and culture. Enough knowledge of socialist history helps us deepen our understanding of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.

The 500-year history of world socialism is generally composed of three historic steps. The first historic step in socialist history saw utopian socialism transition to scientific socialism. Utopian socialism refers to the early socialist movement for an equal, perfect society, and just humanitarian world. It was established by four proponents—Robert Owen, Saint-Simon, Thomas More, and Charles Fourier. Thomas More, the first utopian socialist thinker, conceptualized an ideal society in the island of Utopia. Three other thinkers attempted to correct the ills of industrialization by conducting communal experiments, for example, phalanxes and New Harmony. Utopian socialists managed to construct their respective community of utopia, which was characterized by justice, harmony, and cooperation. The illusory approach they took was sharply criticized by scientific socialist thinkers. Engels (1880) critiqued utopian socialists as fanciful and unrealistic, because they failed to acknowledge liberation, the class struggle, and actual material conditions. The Communist Manifesto, written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in 1848, marked the emergence of Marxism, a historic achievement in the development of socialist theory. The working-class party was established to propel world socialist movement.

The second historic step in socialist history witnessed socialist system evolves from theory to practice, from success to setbacks. The October Revolution of 1917, led by Vladimir Lenin, led to the founding of the Soviet Union, the first and largest socialist country in the world. The Soviet Union is the product of scientific socialism applied to system and institutions in 15 Soviet republics. In the following years the Soviet-style socialism transitioned from development to maturity. In the aftermath of World War Two, dozens of socialist countries were set up, and most of them adopted the Soviet model of socialism. The socialist bloc was thus formed in opposition to capitalist states, which heralded the beginning of the Cold War. But the Cold War ended decades later with the collapse of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the disintegration of the Soviet Union, and the dramatic changes in Eastern Europe. These events dealt heavy blow to socialism in the world. Socialism, therefore, suffered serious setbacks and faced unprecedented challenges.

The third historic step in socialist history concerns major breakthroughs in building socialism with Chinese characteristics. The strong leadership of the CPC has enabled the Chinese people to have made major achievements in economic development, the rule of law, socialist democracy, and ecological civilization. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Mao Zedong at its core, explored a path to modernization that suits China’s national conditions by integrating the basic tenets of Marxism-Leninism with China’s realities. That exploration and construction laid a strong foundation for material, institutional, and theoretical development. Meanwhile, invaluable experience was gained and hard lessons were learned. Afterwards, the second-generation collective leadership, with Deng Xiaoping as the helmsman, built on past achievements, took the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and deepened understanding of socialism both practically and theoretically. The reform and opening-up was launched in 1978, achieving economic growth, political stability, and social harmony. Later generations of leadership led the Chinese people to make big strides in socialist construction. In the present era, the CPC Central Committee, with general secretary Xi Jinping at its core, formulated the Four-pronged Comprehensive Strategy, improving the integration and elevation of Marxism with Chinese practice. These practices culminate in Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. In the past 40-plus years, reform and opening-up has lifted more than 700 million people out of poverty and raised per capita GDP from below $200 to nearly $9000. China has become world’s second largest economy. These glorious achievements, made by the Chinese people under the leadership of the CPC, demonstrate that socialism with Chinese characteristics is the only path to socialist modernization and a better life for the people. The theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the right theory to guide the Party and people to realize national rejuvenation. The system of socialism with Chinese characteristics provides the fundamental institutional guarantee for progress and development in contemporary China.

4. “Four Histories” and Four-Sphere Confidence

“Four histories” provide a good foundation for four-sphere confidence, confidence in the path, theory, system and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics. They highlight the pioneering course of China’s revolution and enhance confidence in the Chinese socialist path. The path is related to the fate of the CPC, nation, state, and the Chinese people. The Chinese path has been formulated in the course of revolution, construction, reform, and practice in a new era. It is rooted in fine traditional culture, and is based on China’s realities. This socialist path with Chinese characteristics is developed by the Chinese people under the leadership of the CPC. It best suits China’s conditions.

In the period of the New Democratic Revolution (1919-1949), the first-generation leadership, represented by Comrade Mao Zedong, were keenly aware of China’s national conditions and the grave situation facing China’s revolution. They blazed a new revolutionary road of encircling the cities from the rural areas and seizing power by armed force. It is the first time that the CPC found solutions to China’s problems by adapting Marxism to China’s realities. Chairman Mao (1930) argued that a single spark can start a prairie fire. The CPC won the great victory in New Democratic Revolution by uniting and leading the Chinese people in building revolutionary base areas, expanding the united front work, and waging ardous armed struggle. The People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949, because we adopted a right road of encircling the cities from the rural areas, under the strong leadership of the Party.

In the period of Socialist Revolution and Construction (1949-1978), the CPC sought to realize socialist industrialization and transformation of agriculture, craft industries, and capitalist commerce and industry. Shortly after the new China was set up in 1949, the CPC launched various social programs to create conditions for social and economic development. The land reform in the early 1950s disbanded the landlord class by abolishing the feudal system of land ownership. Consequently, Chinese peasants were freed from economic exploitation and became masters of their own destiny and their country. This initiative unleashed rural productive forces, dramatically enhancing peasant’s economic status and living standards. At the same time, state-owned factories, mines, and other sectors carried out reform by establishing factory management committees and workers’ congresses. Workers became masters of their entities, trying harder to turn out more products.

The PRC guided by the CPC built a comprehensive economic system to propel economic growth. Economic foundations were laid soon. Three years into new economic policy saw economic performance and people’s living standard reach a record high. This rapid growth offered a good basis for programs to initiate socialist transformation of agriculture, handcrafts, and capitalist commerce and industry, and establish a basic economic system of socialism. These institutions ensured the people’s active participation in economic development and reapt the benefits from their hard work. The socialist system was established in China, thanks to the socialist revolutionary road taken by the CPC. China was transformed from a poor, backward country into a rapidly developing socialist country.

The second generation leadership, represented by Deng Xiaoping, launched reform and opening-up initiative in 1978. This policy is intended to unlock the growth potential, setting China on the right track to modernization and prosperity. China made a big transition from a centrally planned economy into a socialist market-oriented economy. That country began to relax state control over the economy and allow private enterprises to join market competition. China’s economy, meanwhile, was open to the outside world, drawing foreign investment and advanced technologies. In 1982 when the 12th National Congress of the CPC was held, Deng (1982) introduced the concept of socialism with Chinese characteristics. As he (Deng, 1982) put it, modernization efforts must take into consideration China’s conditions, and integrate the basic tenets of Marxism with China’s realities. China must follow its own development path in line with its own particular characteristics.

Five years on, the report delivered at the 13th National Congress of the CPC elaborated on the theory of the primary stage of socialism and the basic line of the Party at this stage. It also unveiled an economic development strategy in order to realize modernization by the middle of the 21st century. Those years witnessed dramatic changes in world landscape—disintegration of the Soviet Union, and the political and economic transformations in Eastern Europe—that marked the decline of socialism worldwide. In the face of these daunting challenges, the CPC stood the test of time by enduring extreme hardships and overcoming huge difficulties. In 1992, Deng Xiaoping toured southern China and gave a slew of remarks known as Southern Tour Speeches. He stressed the importance of economic reform. He said, “Poverty is not socialism. And we must keep abreast of the times, and that is the purpose of our reform” (Deng, 1987). Reform and opening-up has boosted the growth of the productive forces, improved the overall strength of China, and raised the living standards of the Chinese people.

Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era. General Secretary Xi Jinping, core leader of the CPC Central Committee, put forward the new development philosophy for the new development stage (Xi, 2019a). The CPC under his leadership has been pushing to deepen the country’s reform, improve people’s wellbeing, and meet people’s desire for a good, happy life. “Beautiful China” initiative has been incorporated into the CPC’s development strategy for building a great modern socialist country by mid-21st century. President Xi (2018a) stressed the need to forge ahead with further reforms, as reform and opening-up is the right policy we must adopt to make great achievements and to reach the goal of national rejuvenation. Socialism with Chinese characteristics has proven to be the only correct path to achieve lasting prosperity and stability, and to realize the Chinese dream of national revival.

“Four histories” not merely enhances confidence in socialist path, but strengthens faith in socialist theory. Those histories saw the emergence and development of sinified Marxism and sinified scientific socialism, producing Mao Zedong Thought and the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. These theories unravel the internal mechanism of Chinese society, and have helped China make phenomenal achievements. China eradicated absolute poverty in February 2021 (Xinhuanet, 2021a). That country has become the world’s second largest economy, functioning as a global manufacturing powerhouse.

Mao Zedong Thought is the first theoretical leap of sinified Marxism by integrating the basic tenets of Marxism with China’s revolution and construction. It is a theoretical creation, laying a solid foundation for enhancing confidence in theory. The theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics is developed under the leadership of the CPC in the course of construction and reform, composed of Deng Xiaoping Theory, Three Represents, Scientific Development Concept, and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.

Deng Xiaoping put forward the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics by focusing on the fundamental issue of “what is socialism and how to build socialism”. He thought China was in the primary stage of socialism, giving rise to the initial stage theory. He expounded nature of socialism, and market-oriented economy, among others, by incorporating economic, political, and scientific socialism into Chinese circumstances at the time. These constitute the basic framework of Deng Xiaoping Theory.

Three Represents is credited to Jiang Zemin, former general secretary of the CPC. This theory defines a new relationship between the Party and the Chinese people. It stipulates that the CPC has always represented the development trend of China’s advanced productive forces, the orientation of China’s advanced culture, and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people. That thought concerns the issue of party building—what kind of Party is to be built and how to build a representative Party.

The Scientific Development Concept is attributed to Hu Jintao, general secretary of the CPC from 2002 to 2012. It is people-oriented, integrating people’s wellbeing, scientific socialism, and sustainable development with the goal of building a harmonious socialist society. This theory deals with the key issue of setting a correct development goal and how to make it.

The new era sees the CPC Central Committee with president Xi Jinping as their core leader create Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. This theory addresses the issue of how to uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics in a new era. It is the latest theoretical creation of socialism with Chinese characteristics, putting forth original ideas and new strategies of governing the CPC and the country.

The theoretical system—from Mao Zedong Thought to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era—has upheld the principle of adapting Marxism to Chinese context. It has made breakthroughs one after another, increasing confidence in the theory.

“Four histories” serve as the basis for improving confidence in system. Socialism is a superior system in China, as is evidenced by the remarkable progress that country has made over the past century. China has progressed from a backward country to the world’s second largest economy. It leads the world in e-commerce and shared economies. Xi (2019c) pointed out that “the greatest strength of a country lies in its institutions. Competition among countries is in essence rivalry of systems and institutions. Institutional stability guarantees national peace and stability.” China’s systems are full of vitality, because they grow out of Chinese culture and society. We should take advantage of these institutional strengths to improve confidence and governance.

China’s modern history attests to the fact that that country’s system has been the choice of the people. Chinese socialist system is closely related to the fate of the Chinese nation. Century of national humiliation plunged China into a semi-colonial, semi-feudal society. Russia’s October Revolution of 1917 brought to China Marxism, which was soon spread across the country. The CPC has led the people in their strife for success in revolution and construction. It has established basic economic, political, and cultural systems in China, paving the way for the socialist system. The CPC has united the people in achieving great success in socialist revolution and construction.

China’s system has been formulated and evolved in different stages of development. Shortly after the founding the PRC, the new country has learned much from Soviet-style socialism while adapting Marxism-Leninism to China’s circumstances. Top leadership one generation after another has enriched China’s socialist system and improved the effectiveness and efficiency of governance. They uphold the tenet of seeking truth from the facts and liberating the mind. Socialist construction is a dynamic process. Innovation is based on what worked in the past.

“Four histories” also boost cultural confidence. Socialist culture with Chinese characteristics is derived from China’s fine traditional culture. It is the revolutionary and advanced socialist culture nurtured in the journey of the CPC-led revolution, construction, and reform and opening-up. China’s history and culture are deeply intertwined. “Four histories” contribute to the growth and evolution of China’s culture. Socialist culture with Chinese characteristics—including revolutionary culture, advanced socialist culture, and fine traditional culture— provides a strong spiritual force for cultural confidence.

Cultural confidence is also bolstered by revolutionary culture. The revolutionary spirit provides strong motivation and power for building socialism with Chinese characteristics. As President Xi (2019b) pointed out, “The spirit of Jinggangshan and the spirit of the Soviet area bear the original aspiration and mission of the Chinese Communists, and they have created the great revolutionary spirit of the Communist Party of China.” The “red culture”, patriotism and revolutionary spirit for example, gives inexhaustible spiritual power for winning victories in revolution. It also enhances cultural confidence in the new era.

Cultural confidence is boosted by advanced socialist culture. President Xi (2015) noted that a country and a nation cannot become strong and powerful without the guidance of advanced culture. Advanced socialist culture, guided by Marxism, suits China’s national conditions and cultural traditions. It serves the people and socialist cause. It is from the people, for the people and of the people. Socialist culture meets people’s aspiration for a better cultural life.

Learning “four histories” inspires four-sphere confidence, confidence in the path, theory, system and socialist culture with Chinese characteristics. The historical experience from the endeavors of the past is a driving force to push forward the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics in a new era. Study of “four histories” helps the CPC members and the people to better understand the achievements and lessons in the past century. The notion of historical confidence was put forward by president Xi Jinping, who stressed the need to strengthen historical confidence on several occasions. At the 6th plenary session of the 19th CPC National Congress in November 2021, president Xi (2021) reiterated the importance of enhancing historical confidence and upholding communist ideals and socialist convictions. Late December of that year saw a democratic meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held in Beijing. General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over the meeting and delivered an important speech. He (Xinhua, 2021) called for more efforts to review and study the CPC’s history. CPC members and the people, youth in particular, must receive education on the party’s history so as to build strong historical confidence, reinforce historical memory, and press ahead with full enthusiasm. When addressing the opening in January 2022 of a study session at the Party School of the CPC Central Committee, which was attended by provincial and ministerial-level officials, Xi Jinping urged those elites to uphold the great founding spirit of the Party, strengthen historical confidence, and champion the fighting spirit, uniting the whole Party and the Chinese people of all ethnic groups to work hard for the Second Centenary Goal. The study session was held to deepen understanding of the resolution on major achievements and historical experience of the CPC over the past century.

“Four histories” reinforce historical confidence, as they are closely linked to the historical experience and endeavors guided by the CPC. Education of those histories ensures a better understanding of the glorious achievements and the great spirit in different stages of China’s development.

5. Conclusion

Study of “four histories” strengthens confidence in the path, history, system, theory and socialist culture with Chinese characteristics. They have enabled the CPC members and the Chinese people to remain committed to communist ideals and socialist convictions. Those histories reveal invaluable spiritual legacy as well as great historical experience, which we should make good use of in the present and the future.

Education of “four histories” motivates the Chinese spirit with patriotism as its core. This spiritual bond promotes unity and solidarity. And this spiritual motivation encourages the CPC to keep in mind its mission and original aspiration. Driven by the spirit of the Chinese nation, the people have reached a number of important milestones one after another under the leadership of the CPC. Self-confidence, self-reliance, and self-dependent innovation are necessary to achieve great success for socialism with Chinese characteristics in a new era.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this paper.


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