Poverty in Africa and the Forces of Change: Reflections on Rawls Difference Principle


Africa is no doubt one of the continents endowed with resources necessary for the achievement of development in all areas. The pre-colonial era as crude as being described, was to a large extent characterized by values for self sustenance. However, the crises being witnessed in Africa as it manifest in hunger, lack and scarcity over these years have been on one hand, argued to have resulted from the contact Africa had with the external forces of colonialism. These forces as claimed ushered in unbridled economic system with its implications on value system of brotherhood, reciprocity and fraternity among others. On the other hand, the internal forces which manifest in corruption, mismanagement and bad leadership, have totally grounded the development to a halt. This paper critically examines these forces of change, with the aim of identifying the missing link and attempt to suggest ways towards charting a new course in order to regain the values. The paper applies John Rawls Difference Principle as a theoretical framework, capable of ensuring that benefits and burdens are fairly distributed for the advantage of every one, more especially the less privileged in society. This would enhance the attainment of a stable social order as it promotes the ideals of reciprocity and fraternity in society.

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Aderibigbe, M. (2012) Poverty in Africa and the Forces of Change: Reflections on Rawls Difference Principle. Advances in Applied Sociology, 2, 223-228. doi: 10.4236/aasoci.2012.23029.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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