Advances in Atomic Energy

Atomic energy or energy of atoms is energy carried by atoms. The term originated in 1903 when Ernest Rutherford began to speak of the possibility of atomic energy. H. G. Wells popularized the phrase "splitting the atom", before discovery of the atomic nucleus.

Atomic energy includes: 

Nuclear binding energy, the energy required to split a nucleus of an atom.
Nuclear potential energy, the potential energy of the particles inside an atomic nucleus.
Nuclear reaction, a process in which nuclei or nuclear particles interact, resulting in products different from the initial ones; see also nuclear fission and nuclear fusion.
Radioactive decay, the set of various processes by which unstable atomic nuclei (nuclides) emit subatomic particles.
The energy of inter-atomic or chemical bonds, which holds atoms together in compounds.
Atomic energy is the source of nuclear power, which uses sustained nuclear fission to generate heat and electricity. It is also the source of the explosive force of an atomic bomb.

In the present book, ten typical literatures about atomic energy published on international authoritative journals were selected to introduce the worldwide newest progress, which contains reviews or original researches on atomic energy. We hope this book can demonstrate advances in atomic energy as well as give references to the researchers, students and other related people

Sample Chapter(s)
Preface (99 KB)
Components of the Book:
  • Chapter 1
    Rainfall erosivity index for the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission site
  • Chapter 2
    Energy dissipation of atomic-scale friction based on one-dimensional Prandtl-Tomlinson model
  • Chapter 3
    Methods to evaluate the twin formation energy: comparative studies of the atomic simulations and in-situ TEM tensile tests
  • Chapter 4
    Methods to evaluate the twin formation energy: comparative studies of the atomic simulations and in-situ TEM tensile tests
  • Chapter 5
    Dynamic friction energy dissipation and enhanced contrast in high frequency bimodal atomic force microscopy
  • Chapter 6
    Synergy theory for murine Harderian gland tumours after irradiation by mixtures of high-energy ionized atomic nuclei
  • Chapter 7
    Gravitational and matter-wave spectroscopy of atomic hydrogen at ultra-low energies
  • Chapter 8
    Alpha-cluster model of atomic nuclei
  • Chapter 9
    Study on Mechanisms of Photon-Induced Material Removal on Silicon at Atomic and Close-to-Atomic Scale
  • Chapter 10
    Cutting of Graphite at Atomic and Close-to-Atomic Scale Using Flexible Enhanced Molecular Dynamics
Readership: Students, academics, teachers and other people attending or interested in Atomic Energy
Paul Essel
National Radioactive Waste Management Centre, NNRI, GAEC, P.O. Box LG 80, Accra, Ghana

Hong-Kyu Kim
Advanced Analysis Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul 136-791, Republic of Korea

S. Wycech
Andrzej Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies, Hoza 69, 00-681 Warsaw, Poland

Edward Greg Huang
Department of Mathematics, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA

Alexei Voronin
P. N. Lebedev Physical Institute, 53 Leninsky prospect, 117924, Moscow, Russia

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