Virtual Reality Technology Applied on Maintenance of Painted Walls of Buildings


In a building, the paint coating applied to interior walls conveys their aesthetic character and also performs an important function of protection. It is a construction component which is exposed to agents of deterioration related to its use, needing the regular evaluation of its state of repair. The completed model supports the performance of such periodic inspections and the monitoring of interior wall maintenance, using Virtual Reality (VR) technology. Used during an inspection visit, the application allows users to consult a database of irregularities, normally associated with paint coating, classified by the most probable causes and by recommended repair methodologies. In addition, with this model, a chromatic scale related to the degree of deterioration of the coating, defined as a function of the time between the dates of the application of the paint and the scheduled repainting, can be attributed to each element of coating monitored. This use of VR technology allows inspections and the evaluation of the degree of wear and tear of materials to be carried out in a highly direct and intuitive manner. The computer application has a positive contribution to make in the field of construction, using as it does Information Technology (IT) tools which give access to innovative technology with it capacity for interaction and visualization.

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Sampaio, A. and Rosário, D. (2012) Virtual Reality Technology Applied on Maintenance of Painted Walls of Buildings. Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 5, 297-303. doi: 10.4236/jsea.2012.55035.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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