The Relationship of Personality, Spirituality and Posttraumatic Growth to Subjective Wellbeing
Michael Galea
University of Malta, Msida, Malta.
DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1101069   PDF         2,415 Downloads   4,008 Views   Citations


A growing number of studies are indicating that a number of people report psychological growth after experiencing trauma. This may be so because suffering stimulates the need and search for meaning [1]. In this cross-sectional and correlational study, we sought the relationship of subjective wellbeing to posttraumatic growth in view of past trauma experiences and perceived stress. In particular, we investigated a sample of tertiary students’ perceived stress, past traumas, subjective well-being, faith maturity, positive and negative affect, and personality, together with demographic correlates. Past traumas included loss of a loved one, chronic or acute illness, injury, divorce, violent crime, and job loss, amongst others. Only a quarter of respondents experienced their trauma/s 5 years or more prior the study, thus indicating relatively recent trauma experiences. Post-traumatic growth correlated with personality, faith maturity, wellbeing and positive affect. In examining the patterns of correlations noted above, a hierarchical multiple regression analysis was employed. Posttraumatic growth was found to have unique variance even after partialling out key variables such as perceived stress, personality and faith maturity. Although situational factors and personality did play important roles, this study clearly points at the relevance of faith maturity and posttraumatic growth for the promotion of holistic wellbeing of those affected by trauma. Religious beliefs may counter hopelessness and form an important buffer in this equation. The psycho-social implications of these results were discussed.

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Galea, M. (2014) The Relationship of Personality, Spirituality and Posttraumatic Growth to Subjective Wellbeing. Open Access Library Journal, 1, 1-10. doi: 10.4236/oalib.1101069.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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