Global Minimization of Vertex Height Differences for Freeform Architectural Design


Architectural design is leading us in the direction of structures with free and irregular forms. As a consequence of this the connection between the design’s intent and its fabrication represents a challenge when creating a support structure that is geometrically viable and which needs to possess certain aesthetic, fabricational, thermal and strength requirements. To ensure the contacts of the edges of the neighboring insulation panels along their thicknesses, the edges must be cut at different angles, which causes differences in the vertex heights and, furthermore, differences in the positions of the inner metal sheets of the insulation panels. The main goal of the presented research is the development of a post-optimization procedure, by which the minimum joint-height differences will be achieved for all the joints, taking into account all the free-form surfaces of the individual architectural design. To compensate for the residual height differences the use of spacers of different thicknesses is proposed. The paper considers the global minimization of the joint-height differences for a sample free-form architectural design that is meshed with a quad-dominant mesh.

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Kulovec, S. , Kos, L. and Duhovnik, J. (2012) Global Minimization of Vertex Height Differences for Freeform Architectural Design. Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 5, 659-663. doi: 10.4236/jsea.2012.59077.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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