Simulation of small size divertor tokamak plasma edge at low density of plasma
Amr Hasheim Bekheit
DOI: 10.4236/ns.2012.41010   PDF    HTML   XML   4,127 Downloads   7,465 Views  


A low density plasma edge of small size divertor tokamak has been modeling by “B2SOLPS0.5.2 D” fluid transport code. The results of modeling are: 1) Formation of the strong “ITB” has detected more reliable with discovery that, low density plasma is necessary and important condition for it to form. 2) Reduction of plasma density play significantly role in the formation of the strong ITB as global parameter, possibly through change in the steep density gradient which stabilize “ITG” mode. 3) The radial electric field of small size divertor tokamak plasma edge is plasma density dependence and maximum radial electric field shear is found at low plasma density. 4) In the “NBI” discharge the toroidal (parallel) velocity at low plasma density is co-current and upward direction. 5) The structure of plasma pressure and radial electric field in quiescent H-mode are obtained.

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Bekheit, A. (2012) Simulation of small size divertor tokamak plasma edge at low density of plasma. Natural Science, 4, 68-72. doi: 10.4236/ns.2012.41010.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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