The Relationship between the Movement Patterns of Rising from a Supine Position to an Erect Stance and Physical Functions in Healthy Children


In early childhood, the movement patterns used in rising from a supine position to an erect stance are asymmetrical at first, but develop toward symmetry as the child grows older. However, the relationship between strength and balance and these developmental changes remains unclear. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the choices of movement patterns in rising from a supine position to an erect stance and physical functions in healthy children. Sixty-eight children without any disabilities and whose mean age was 4 y 11 mo were videotaped while performing the rising motion. The motion was classified as either asymmetrical or symmetrical. Physical functions such as muscle strength and standing balance were also assessed. The Mann-Whitney U-test and an analysis of covariance (AN- COVA) with age as covariates were used to compare the asymmetrical and symmetrical groups with respect to the children’s physical functions. Children who demonstrated symmetrical movement patterns had significantly greater grip and trunk muscle strength, and longer duration of one-leg standing than did children who showed asymmetrical movement patterns. According to ANCOVA, the symmetrical movement patterns were explained by a positive relationship to grip strength and trunk flexor strength. Our findings suggested that muscle strength was related to the acquisition of symmetrical movement patterns of rising from a supine position to an erect stance, in healthy children.

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Kuwabara, C. , Shiba, Y. , Sakamoto, M. and Sato, H. (2013) The Relationship between the Movement Patterns of Rising from a Supine Position to an Erect Stance and Physical Functions in Healthy Children. Advances in Physical Education, 3, 92-97. doi: 10.4236/ape.2013.32016.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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