Conference on Psychology and Social Harmony (CPSH 2013)(E-BOOK)


ISBN: 978-1-61896-028-3 Scientific Research Publishing, USA

E-Book 182pp Pub. Date: May 2013

Category: Social Sciences & Humanities

Price: $200

Title: The Study of Relation of Bullying Behavior Characteristics, Personality and Parental Rearing Patterns of Rural Junior Middle School Student
Source: Conference on Psychology and Social Harmony (CPSH 2013)(E-BOOK) (pp 54-57)
Author(s): Jiao Cao, School of Culture and Social Development,Southwest University,Chongqing,China
Yonghong Zhang, School of Culture and Social Development,Southwest University,Chongqing,China;Center of Studies for Psychology and Social Development, Chongqing, China

This study aims to explore the relationship between bullying behavior and bringing up way, the personality of junior middle school students.Methods:191 rural junior middle school students from Beibei and Fuling of Chongqing province are investigated by bully questionnaire, EPQ and EMBU. Results: (1) Bullying behavior is universal in the rural schools, at the same time, there are also a few different characteristics;(2)There is certain relation between personality and bullying behavior, Some personality characteristics make it easier for children to become bullies or by the bully, the bully in the personality characteristics of high neuroticism and extraversion as relative to typical characteristics, the typical characteristics of the bullied is high and introversion;(3)There is a close relation between parents education way between bullying behavior, there is significant difference on the every factor of mother’s education way about different bully kinds, and so is father’s education way. Conclusions:(1) Social, schools and families should pay more attention to the bully behaviors and different cultivation way should be taken according to different groups of rural junior middle school students, in order to improve the rural bullying in school;(2) It does better to cultivate the rural junior school students’ personalities if the parenting styles is positive rather than negative ones.

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