Comparative Research on States of Cross-Border Electricity Supplier Logistics
Wei Wang
Beijing Wuzi University, Beijing, China.
DOI: 10.4236/tel.2016.64076   PDF    HTML   XML   2,330 Downloads   3,246 Views   Citations


Development of cross-border electricity supplier logistics opens up sales channels in recent years for individual national products. The development of cross-border electricity supplier logistics is in four countries: China, UK, Japan and the United States, and they are the most advanced countries. In order to research the advanced mode of cross-border electricity supplier logistics, the paper focuses on the export trade and it compares with each other. The SPSS analysis method is used for the correlation analysis, and significant regression equation is an important conclusion of our concern. For insignificant variables, we use the model of fitting method and the forward entry method because it cannot significantly reject interference variables, and optimize the regression equation. We conclude that world trade and import or export trade link closely with UK. We propose that China should learn from the United Kingdom, increase cross-border investment in large electricity provider of logistics and make the use of the profit of cross-border electricity supplier.

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Wang, W. (2016) Comparative Research on States of Cross-Border Electricity Supplier Logistics. Theoretical Economics Letters, 6, 726-730. doi: 10.4236/tel.2016.64076.

Received 30 June 2016; accepted 31 July 2016; published 3 August 2016

1. Introduction

In recent years, China has great development in cross-border electricity. The world economy is also the simultaneous development of each country, and the development of cross-border electricity supplier metrics is hard to define. In the course of the study, we will take China’s import and export data for analysis. China’s import and export data can be instead of the data of cross-border electricity supplier. Data analysis is an important evidence for the development of Chinese cross-border electricity supplier. In recent years, many scholars study the cross-border electricity supplier logistics: Zhang Xiaheng and scholar Ma Tianshan (2015) suggested that for China’s cross- border electricity supplier logistics, there were many difficulties, and the Chinese government must help enterprises out of difficulties [1] . Li Chi (2015), for cross-border electricity supplier logistics problem, made numerous trends of cross-border electricity supplier and reasonable recommendations [2] . Zhang Hui (2015) uses the common method of statistical analysis, and SWOT analysis method is adapted for China’s cross-border electricity supplier logistics [3] . Pang Yan (2015) proposed that the development of cross-border electricity supplier for international trade has a very good role in promoting international logistics model [4] . Zhong Qizhuang (2015) and Wang Feng (2016) respectively put forward the meaning of cross-border electricity supplier logistics and make a detail comparison with their situation. They think that the cross-border electricity supplier logistics are suitable for the development of Hong Kong or Macao [5] [6] . Through learning the above articles, this paper uses SPSS software to compare and analyze the countries’ import and export trade data.

2. Analysis of States of Import and Export Trade

For a clear analysis of China’s cross-border electricity supplier situation, we take China, UK, Japan and the United States to compare, and the import and export trade and import and export situation in four countries around the world to compare the data collected by the time this paper is from 2004 to 2014. The following data are from China Statistical Yearbook. We can see that the data as shown in Table 1 are the import trade data for each country, and Table 2 is export data in various countries.

Table 1. Countries’ import trade data (Unit: US $).

Table 2. States of export trade data (Unit: US $).

It shows a very clear trend, and the import and export goods are in order to grasp the situation in China, and the Chinese data and the data in the world will be on the data comparison, China and the United Kingdom, Japan, the United States, their relationship are difference, we take SPSS analysis method, SPSS analysis is now a widely popular modern statistical theory and method, the paper uses SPSS analysis of import and export with four countries correlation analysis and linear regression analysis, the data results are shown below in table 3, they are imported each country analysis in table 4 countries analysis.

Data in Table 3 can be seen in the development of each country, China’s average import goods is $1.3225 trillion, an average of US imports is $1,727,645,000,000, imports of China ranked second in the world, indicating that Chinese imports of goods more China-made products need to be further developed because imported products are required to spend a high price to acquire the State is certainly profitable exporter.

Correlation analysis allows us to know closely inter-country imports, and Table 4 tells us that the UK is imported products and the world’s most closely, the correlation coefficient is 0.96 in China and the world, second only to the United Kingdom, in the same manner, in various countries between China and the United Kingdom correlation coefficient is 0.907, it shows the relationship between China and the United Kingdom imports closely, which also shows the need to strengthen cooperation between China and the UK. China imports a large quantity, indicating the proportion of Chinese consumers to buy foreign products is large, Chinese cross-border electricity supplier has a good presence of necessity. Export-related data in each country are shown in Table 5.

Table 3. Descriptive statistics.

Table 4. States of imported data dependence analysis.

Table 5. States of export data dependence analysis.

From export data analysis, China’s rank is the first in the world, it indicates that China’s main export-oriented products are mainly for foreign countries to buy Chinese products, they are mainly explained Cross-border electricity supplier development abroad and it also has a good prospects at the same time, China’s exports will inevitably weaken the exports of other countries, and the data in Table 8 represent the relationship between China and other countries, indicating China’s increased sales of foreign products, non-Chinese customers purchasing products will be reduced, the China’s development has brought great profits, it will promote the development of China’s cross-border electricity supplier.

Regression analysis can well explain the relationship between the various countries and world trade, the test found that imports of regression analysis, DW value test did not pass, and therefore not suitable for importing data regression analysis, regression analysis, data exporting countries (Tables 6-8).

Table 6 tells us the goodness of fit of the regression equation by inspection, R2 = 0.997, adjusted R2 = 0.995, indicating that it still can be applied to the value of the regression equation, the establishment of the equation is excellent.

DW test is to identify the establishment of equations residuals, residuals test is to examine the independence of residuals, exports of various countries, residuals DW = 2, instructions residuals independence of each country through inspection.

The regression equation is, it shows that China’s export volume of each additional unit, it will give world trade increased trade transactions 3.901 units, but the US sig = 0.477 > 0.1, this equation is not significant, so we need to optimize the equation. The United States has a large export trade, and it exhibits a total linear. So we need to optimize the regression equation, and its role is to remove the impact of US trade data. Statistical methods are used herein and it is forward variables, and the results are presented in Table 9.

Data optimization process is the best way to solve the problem of collinearity, after taking into the analysis of the variables, the model appears there are three, in order to ensure that each variable significantly, sig values were less than 0.05, we select the first three models, the equation is as follows:

After removing the impact of the United States, variables in each country are significant, and they can be used as a variable factor in world trade.

Table 6. Regression testing R2.

Table 7. DW test.

Table 8. Coefficients.

Table 9. Optimization of regression equation.

3. Conclusion

After analyzing statistical theory and data, China’s import and export rank is in the forefront of the world. It indicates that China’s import and export trade will certainly affect China’s development of cross-border electricity supplier. Through the increase of import and export products, people need this way of cross-border electricity supplier to meet the stronger consumer demand. In this time, Chinese government should strengthen cross-border electricity to establish a good online network platform; cross-border electricity suppliers should improve the specifications, price, evaluation and after-sales service system of products, and they must build friendships and cooperation with each other in online network platform. Logistics and transport costs, commodity procurement, manufacturing, product customs inspection are all need to be considered. From that, so many factors affect the cross-border electricity supplier, and it really lets consumers make a profit. And the platform is at the cross-border electricity supplier network platform online and offline. But, cross-border electricity supplier logistics are still faced with many problems, such as cash, tariffs, and other trust of providers between countries, and these problems are urgent needed to be addressed.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


[1] Zhang, X.H. and Ma, T.S. (2015) Chinese Cross-Border Electricity Supplier Logistics Difficulties and Countermeasures. Contemporary Economic Management, No. 5, 51-54.
[2] Lee, C. (2015) Cross-Border Electricity Supplier Problems, Countermeasures and Development Trend. Journal of Zhejiang Business Technology Institute, No. 2, 25-28.
[3] Zhang, H. (2015) SWOT Analysis of Cross-Border Electricity Supplier Development and Countermeasures. Shandong Institute of Business and Technology, No. 3, 88-93
[4] Pang, Y. (2015) Research on Cross-Border Electricity Supplier Logistics Model. Chinese Economic Circulation, No. 10, 15-20.
[5] Zhuang, Z. (2015) Lanzhou Opening of International Cross-Border Electricity Supplier Logistics in 2015. Continental Bridge Perspective, No. 9, 29-31.
[6] Wang, S.F. (2016) Hong Kong Cross-Border Electricity Supplier Logistics Resources—Consider the Regional Industry Distribution Logistics Growth Theory. Commercial Economic Research, No. 12, 78-81.

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