Chemical and Bacteriological Analysis of Drinking Water from Alternative Sources in the Dschang Municipality, Cameroon
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In the poor zones of sub-Saharan Africa, the conventional drinking water network is very weak. The populations use alternative groundwater sources which are wells and springs. However, because of urbanization, the groundwater sources are degrading gradually making pure, safe, healthy and odourless drinking water a matter of deep concern. There are many pollutants in groundwater due to seepage of organic and inorganic pollutants, heavy metals, etc. Seventeen alternative water points created in 2008, for drinking water in Dschang municipality were examined for their physicochemical and bacteriological characteristics. The results revealed that water from managed points in Dschang is of poor quality. Most of the water samples were below or out of safety limits (standards) provided by WHO. The water is characterized by high turbidity and presence of feacal coliforms. It can be used for drinking and cooking only after prior treatment. This situation shows that water point management was limited only to the drawing up comfort. These water points require installation of suitable surfaces of filtration and the development of a chlorination follow-up plan. Specific concerns of well water were raised and the management options to be taken proposed.

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Emile, T. (2011) Chemical and Bacteriological Analysis of Drinking Water from Alternative Sources in the Dschang Municipality, Cameroon. Journal of Environmental Protection, 2, 620-628. doi: 10.4236/jep.2011.25071.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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