Science Education at the Polytechnic University of Baja California, México


The educational model that is currently being implemented with the Polytechnic University of Baja California (UPBC) students of Engineering in Manufacturing Technology is presented in this paper. This model gives us the pattern of how to deal with the problem of teaching the nature of science and technology with quality, in particular, questions about how science and technology validate their knowledge and how it works in today's world. The nature of science includes aspects of epistemology and sociology, and the relationships with science, technology and society (STS): complex and innovative contents in science education (Acevedo, 2000). Also shown is the result of applying the Opinions Questionnaire on Science, Technology and Society (OQSTS), which allows an assessment of the views and attitudes of students on STS issues. Understanding these concepts: Science, Technology and Society is considered by specialists as a central axis of scientific alphabetization for all and as such, should be incorporated into the curricula of higher education and especially in Engineering as it enables awareness and changing attitudes of the student to confront ethical and moral dilemmas.

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Ruiz, M. , Salas, B. , Wienner, M. , Osuna, L. , Cordova, E. and Penaloza, U. (2012) Science Education at the Polytechnic University of Baja California, México. Creative Education, 3, 993-995. doi: 10.4236/ce.2012.326150.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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