The Effectiveness of Skill-Based Intervention for Female Victims of Intimate Partner Violence: A Critical Review


Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is associated with limitations in Activities of Daily Living (ADL). This paper critically reviews the methodological quality of evidence for life skills interventions provided for women who have experienced IPV. A comprehensive search was carried out for all relevant studies and the McMaster critical appraisal tools used to determine methodological quality of selected articles. Three studies met the inclusion criteria for the review. Findings indicate there is limited evidence available to inform practitioners as to benefits or weaknesses of current life skills interventions. IPV has serious individual and social consequences and methodologically rigorous research is urgently needed.

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Lopaschuk, F. and Brown, C. (2012) The Effectiveness of Skill-Based Intervention for Female Victims of Intimate Partner Violence: A Critical Review. Advances in Applied Sociology, 2, 30-36. doi: 10.4236/aasoci.2012.21004.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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