A Qualitative Study of HIV Treatment Adherence Support from Friends and Family among Same Sex Male Couples—Support for HIV Medication Adherence from Friends and Family
Scott Stumbo, Judith Wrubel, Mallory O. Johnson
DOI: 10.4236/psych.2011.24050   PDF    HTML     6,192 Downloads   10,428 Views   Citations


HIV-positive individuals seek support for medication adherence from a variety of sources—spouses, family and friends. We conducted a qualitative study of twenty same sex male couples where we asked men to give narratives of support received for medication adherence from their partner, family and friends. Men in couple relationships did not routinely seek tangible or practical assistance for adherence from friends and family but almost exclusively from partners. These men did seek and receive informational and emotional support from friends and family. These results have implications for designing interventions for medication support when an individual is in a relationship.

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Stumbo, S. , Wrubel, J. & Johnson, M. (2011). A Qualitative Study of HIV Treatment Adherence Support from Friends and Family among Same Sex Male Couples—Support for HIV Medication Adherence from Friends and Family. Psychology, 2, 318-322. doi: 10.4236/psych.2011.24050.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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