Changes in Multinational Industrial Enterprises through the Adoption of Innovation: Case of E-Business in Brazilian and Foreign Capital Companies


The objective of this study was to understand the changes that took place in large multinational industries acting in the physical world that, by adopting e-business, started acting in the virtual world, as well as the needs that led to this adoption. Method: multi-case study with two companies, a national industry (“A”) and a subsidiary of a developed country (“B”) in Brazil. Results: In terms of motivation, both companies mentioned an increase in revenue, but “B” highlighted its alignment with global strategy, focused on innovation and e-business, as a “showcase” of the company’s innovative side. Logistical transformations: “A” hired a logistics operator; “B” developed internally adapted logistics, taking advantage of knowledge from its headquarters.

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Zilber, S. and de Rosa, M. (2013) Changes in Multinational Industrial Enterprises through the Adoption of Innovation: Case of E-Business in Brazilian and Foreign Capital Companies. iBusiness, 5, 136-146. doi: 10.4236/ib.2013.54017.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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