The Influence of the Manufacturing Industry Environment, Organizational Structures, and Economic Trends on Employee Responsibilities in the Manufacturing Industry
Thanakit Ouanhlee
Samutsakhon, Thailand.
DOI: 10.4236/ti.2024.151004   PDF    HTML   XML   71 Downloads   256 Views  


This article describes the impact of various factors on employee responsibility in the manufacturing industry, detailing the influence of technological advances, regulatory and legal compliance, diversity and inclusion, organizational structure, and economic trends toward the changing roles and skills of employees in this sector. Automation, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and robotics are examples of how technological advancements are changing work responsibilities, resulting in the need for training and new job positions. Compliance with safety, environmental, and ethical regulations has become critical, leading to the role of the Compliance Officer. Diversity and inclusion initiatives have resulted in changes to work responsibilities, cross-cultural communication, and skills training programs. Skills training programs and increased job descriptions have resulted in changes in the organization of organizational structures. Economic trends are shaping the new roles of research and development, supply chain management, and customer engagement, creating additional positions, such as supply chain analysts and social media managers. The production environment is rapidly evolving, requiring employees to adapt. Employee adaptation results in employees taking on new responsibilities and learning and practicing many new skills to succeed in an ever-changing environment. Furthermore, organizations must have Intellectual Property (IP) custodians, market research analysts, and mediators of security engagement and behavioral compliance between the organization and its employees.

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Ouanhlee, T. (2024) The Influence of the Manufacturing Industry Environment, Organizational Structures, and Economic Trends on Employee Responsibilities in the Manufacturing Industry. Technology and Investment, 15, 39-76. doi: 10.4236/ti.2024.151004.

1. Introduction

The roles and responsibilities of employees in manufacturing that are influenced by external environmental forces such as technology changes, regulation evolutionary trends, or global supply chain practices become a significant issue. The study looks at the development of data management and analytics, as well as explaining how skill requirements for employees in manufacturing are shifting due to the adoption of game-changing Industry 4. Additionally, the study will emphasize workplace safety, ethical supply chain practices, and how to redefine employee roles, including responsibilities and environmental sustainability.

1.1. Statement of the Problem

The manufacturing sector is in the midst of a large-scale change caused by technological advancements, regulatory modifications, and transitioning economic patterns that are redefining job scopes. The change is characterized by the implementation of innovative technologies that encompass automation, AI, and robotics involvement, which necessitates appropriate skills and agility. Developing regulatory requirements and ethical considerations in managing the supply chain also place new demands on workers. The internal organizational structures are also very important for influencing employees’ behavior and job responsibilities, in particular, depending on formalization. In addition, economic changes affect production levels of output and employment rates and force the creation of new job positions and skills. However, despite its fundamental nature, there is a dearth of knowledge regarding the overall effect of these internal and external drivers on manufacturing employees’ functional obligations. This article intends to fill in the gap by revealing aspects of how the manufacturing environment, organizational structures, and economic trends are used together or separately to determine labor.

1.2. Significance of the Problem

There is a set of reasons why it has been advocated that, in the context of responsibilities assigned to employees who work within the framework of the manufacturing industry’s “environment”, organizational structures and effects produced by economic trendlines upon these adjustment variables also have an assured practical value. To begin with, the tool will enable manufacturers to predict and get ready for changes in labor needs, so that they can compete favorably within this dynamic industry. Such understanding is critical for the development of the workforce since it shows what training one needs and which skills, they have to develop in order to be able to cope with new challenges. Second, the findings of this study will help inform policymakers and industry leaders on strategies that can ensure a strong workforce capable of adjusting to changes, which is particularly necessary to continue realizing high levels of productivity, innovativeness, and adherence to the requirements set by various regulatory bodies in this market. This study has wider ramifications on economic development and employment generation because it can guide the strategies to modulate technological progressions and changes in the economy imposed direct or indirect influence over the manufacturing sector. In addition, the relevance of the problem goes beyond scientific research to a larger social-economic milieu. If this interaction is clearly studied along with the relationship between the manufacturing environment and structures of an organization as well as economics on how it affects employees’ role, a valuable perspective would be gained regarding the development of an area in its slides presently global confronting problems. This information is critical in ensuring that the industry not only flourishes economically, but also supports societal objectives such as stable employment, skills advancements, and social inclusion.

Finally, the results of this endeavor may be used as preliminary data for future research based on other selected fields. Once holistic background information about environmental and intra-organizational factors that affect the employees’ role in manufacturing is known, further studies can explore particular areas, such as the transformational power of implementing digital technologies or the influence on local production practices from global economic movements.

2. The Research Reference Model

The developed research reference model expands the scope of this study and provides a rigorous roadmap for it, including an all-inclusive framework that interests multifactorial issues influencing employee duties in manufacturing. The main objective of this research is to gain insight into the interaction between exogenous environmental variables and endogenous organizational dynamics in this case study within the manufacturing sector on how they coalesce in determining employees’ roles.

2.1. Objectives of the Study

➢ Analyzing Organizational Structure: To compare how the internal structure of manufacturing organizations, especially formalization levels, impacts on employee behavior and job duties. This objective seeks to learn about the impact of organizational hierarchy, policy-making, and process design on how forces in a workplace behave.

➢ Impact of Formalization on Performance: To investigate organizational formalization’s association with vital employee outcomes like innovation capability, commitment to an organization, and overall performance. One of these is also determining whether the rigidness of structure kills creative potential or promotes organizational and process effectiveness.

➢ Balancing Structure with Flexibility: In order to investigate how manufacturing companies achieve this balance between the need for formalized policies versus fostering innovation and creativity among employees, which entails investigating the relationship between control at the organization level and an employee’s freedom.

2.2. Theoretical Background

Framework: Consequently, multiple theoretical frameworks will be used to develop a synergistic analysis of factors that shape employee roles in the manufacturing sector.

• Technological Determinism: Investigating how advances in technology, such as AI and robotics, are reshaping job responsibilities. Such a view helps to estimate how technological change directly affects the need for a workforce and gives rise to new jobs.

• Organizational Compliance and Governance: Examining how adherence to compliance standards, including safety, environmental, and ethical norms, shape employee responsibilities. This theory also brings out the key role that policy and regulatory frameworks play in institutionalizing various roles and expectations within organizations.

• Diversity Management: Exploring the impact of diversity and inclusion initiatives on job roles, emphasizing the need for an inclusive work environment and the benefits it brings in terms of enhanced communication and collaboration.

• Organizational Adaptation to Economic Trends: Analyzing how economic fluctuations and market trends necessitate changes in job roles and responsibilities. This perspective gives an understanding of what organizational measures are used for workforce re-alignment under the influence of extraneous economic changes.

2.3. Scope and Boundaries

Defining the breadth and focus of the literature review to ensure a targeted and relevant analysis:

○ Temporal Scope: Concentrating on literature from 2000 to 2023, with earlier works included only if necessary. This time frame captures the most recent trends and developments in the sector.

○ Geographical Scope: A global perspective, not limited to specific regions, to understand a broad range of manufacturing environments and practices.

○ Subject Scope: Focusing on studies directly relevant to manufacturing industry dynamics, organizational structures, technological impacts, economic influences, and their combined effect on employee responsibilities.

2.4. Methodological Approach

Outlining a systematic and comprehensive approach to literature review:

• Literature Selection: Utilizing academic databases and publications across various disciplines such as management, organizational behavior, and industrial engineering.

• Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria: Selecting studies that specifically address the impact of the mentioned factors on employee roles within the manufacturing sector. Excluding studies that are not directly relevant or lack empirical evidence.

• Quality Assessment: Ensuring the credibility and academic rigor of the selected literature, assessing the methodologies used in the studies, and the applicability of their findings to the research topic.

2.5. Analytical Framework

Establishing a structured approach for analyzing and interpreting the collected literature:

○ Thematic Analysis: Identifying key themes and patterns across the literature to understand the various influences on employee responsibilities.

○ Comparative Analysis: Comparing findings from different studies to draw comprehensive insights into the manufacturing sector’s dynamics.

2.6. Expected Outcomes

Anticipating the key insights and contributions of the study:

• Understanding Economic and Organizational Impact: Gaining a deeper understanding of how economic trends and organizational structures impact manufacturing sector operations and employee responsibilities.

• Strategies for Workforce Adaptation: Uncovering how manufacturers adapt to these changes, focusing on workforce development, skill enhancement, and the creation of new job roles.

2.7. Specific Models and Theories to Include

Incorporating relevant theoretical models to anchor the research:

• Technological Determinism and Diversity Management: Providing frameworks to understand the direct impact of technology and the importance of inclusive policies on employee roles.

• Organizational Compliance and Governance: Offering perspectives on how regulatory compliance influences job responsibilities.

• Economic Trends and Organizational Adaptation: Exploring how external economic changes necessitate internal adjustments in job functions and responsibilities.

3. Finding and Discussion

Manufacturers have always been an important force for developing and growing the economy. They account for a major share of employment in most countries’ economies and provide basic economic structure. But the labor demands of this sector are constantly changing, affected by many things, such as changes in technology and even fluctuations in economic cycles (Egeraat & Breathnach, 2021) . The continuous changes in regulatory conditions can influence responsibilities in employment and manufacturing. At the same time, manufacturers must shift their thinking to adapt business practices when governments and international organizations pass laws that promote fair labor standards, environmental sustainability, and employee safety. Adaptation is often structured, requiring changes to duties for staff by emphasis on ensuring regulatory compliance, implementing safety standards, and pollution control measures that are environmentally friendly.

Economic developments profoundly affect industrial laborers “labor” (Sassani & Rathmill, 1980) . Many factors can cause great swings in production volume and quality (Dobbs et al., 1987) . Among these elements are fluctuations in the development of and regulations governing international trade and the complexities of global supply networks. This sector is undergoing adjustments that alter the specific requirements for particular skills and posts, forcing a workforce to have varying abilities to cope with unfamiliar circumstances (Silva, 2008) .

Cultural characteristics moreover influence the character of work responsibilities in manufacturing as changes within social norms and ethics (Mathews & Khann, 2016) . The significance of equity, inclusivity, good working conditions, the need for fulfillment at work (well-being), and a balanced relationship between family life, leisure activities, and labor has constantly risen in today’s modern workplace (Agarwal et al., 2020) . How organizations set tasks, control groups, and give weight to the development and satisfaction of their employees also involves cultural changes (Imonikhe & Lukic, 2022) .

3.1. Employee Responsibilities

Examining the diverse obligations of personnel in the manufacturing sector can be traced back to the Industrial Revolution. During the early to mid-20th century, the United States of America rose to prominence as a global leader in manufacturing, particularly in the automotive, steel, and consumer products sectors (Wittwer, 2017) . There have been numerous industries, including textiles, aerospace, and electronics. It is noteworthy to emphasize that these industries were instrumental in generating many employment prospects, fostering the expansion of a resilient middle class while concurrently propelling economic well-being. Despite the dynamic nature of the manufacturing industry, employee responsibilities continue to be a subject of considerable interest. The execution and provision of products are dependent on duties and tasks (Kaasinen et al., 2020) . These duties may vary depending on their position within the manufacturing process and the organization’s size, nature, and production stage. Such responsibilities include material handling, inventory management, production, restorations, and maintenance. Material management entails responsibilities for preserving, storing, and transporting raw materials, components, and finished goods. It guarantees the availability of the appropriate materials for production at the designated time and in the proper quantity. Material management systems and procedures enable the reduction of lead times, the minimization of waste, and the optimization of production flow. Material handling equipment includes conveyor systems, forklifts, pallet cranes, and Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) (Llopis-Albert et al., 2018; Rahman & Nielsen, 2019) .

Here are the responsibilities of warehouse supervisors, forklift operators, and inventory control specialists. In manufacturing, balancing supply and demand is of the utmost importance, which is only possible through good inventory management, which is a process involving monitoring materials on hand, Work in Progress (WIP), or what we are currently making, as well as items completed but not yet shipped out from our warehouse stocks (Kho & Jeong, 2019; Matsebatlela & Mpofu, 2015) . Through maintaining equilibrium, costs are kept low and production schedules free from any surplus or deficiency in inventory. Material planners, inventory administrators, and product specialists are all necessary for this responsibility (Dhaiban et al., 2018) .

The unimpeded and flawless operation of manufacturing facilities, equipment, or apparatus depends on promptly completing proper repairs. Makers must regularly carry out scheduled inspections and implement various maintenance programs to catch problems before they become serious obstacles that may cause delays in production or reduce overall efficiency (Simeu-Abazi et al., 2000) . Rapid maintenance not only shortens the delay and reduces failures but also prolongs the useful life of costly equipment. This responsibility involves hiring repair technicians, engineers, and maintenance supervisors (Ahuja, 2012; Urbani et al., 2020) .

In the manufacturing industry, production is naturally the most important. Production involves taking various kinds of raw materials and transforming them through different processes into finished products. Production management is necessary to meet customer requirements and maintain product quality and cost-effectiveness in the competitive market environment (Matsui, 2007) . In the interests of improving processes, reducing inefficiencies, and increasing output volume, manufacturers rely heavily upon numerous methodologies: Just-in-Time (JIT), lean manufacturing/lean production methods, and Six Sigma (Elezaj, 2018) . This responsibility involves such discrete occupational roles as supervisors, quality control officers, safety specialists, production assemblers, and engineers (McLachlin, 1997) .

These crucial duties are mutually dependent on the manufacturing sector. Also, for example, proper materials management and strict control over inventory help to provide production lines with adequate volumes of raw materials, reducing or eliminating interruptions caused by shortages of required products or surplus inventories (Eriksson et al., 2021) . To prevent mishaps from ruining work runs, consistently restoring and maintaining the normal conditions of production machinery in its best condition is an important step. Accurate inventory data and rapid materials management are key building blocks to efficient production planning and a smooth progression throughout the manufacturing chain. Generally, manufacturer-related responsibilities can be effectively managed, leading to increased productivity, reduced costs, better quality products, and happier customers (Dilanthi, 2013) . Additionally, it increases their market competitiveness. These occupations also have preserved their credibility by continuing to be recognized for offering stable employment and bright prospects, thereby contributing to the enhancement of the local community.

3.2. Effective Responsibility Management Outcomes

3.2.1. Stability in the Manufacturing Environment

Stability in the environment of the manufacturing sector produces outstanding results in material management. Certain outcomes result from the seamless and efficient management of materials, contributing to the overall excellence of business operations (Chromjaková et al., 2017) . Delays are decreased, freeing time for additional tasks, including production and delivery. Minimizing inactive time and operational inefficiencies are outcomes that ensue when materials are readily available. Delays in the inspection and maintenance of products and communication can be eliminated by ensuring that materials are managed properly to ensure that all information about the products is conveyed promptly and precisely via suitable channels (Koh & Saad, 2003) .

3.2.2. Minimized Wastage of Organizational Resources

The second consequence is reduced resource wastage within the organization. Damage caused by improper material handling may result in waste (Koh & Saad, 2003; Shahbazi, 2015) . For instance, irreparable damage can result from mishandling fragile materials. In order to reduce the potential for harm to materials throughout the processes of transportation and storage, it is critical to implement appropriate handling procedures, such as utilizing suitable hoisting apparatus or cushioning fragile items (Jochem, 2004) . By implementing these measures, the company not only reduces the probability of waste but also achieves cost savings.

Additionally, energy resources can be conserved by manipulating materials properly. Certain energy-intensive activities, such as welding and carving, are necessary. Organizations can considerably save energy by exercising caution when handling equipment and reducing the utilization of these processes. Furthermore, employing recycled materials for transporting and organizing products whenever possible further enhances energy conservation efforts (Allwood et al., 2011) . Workplace safety is ensured by correctly managing materials and equipment during manufacturing. An organized storage system is essential to ensure the correct handling of materials. Strictly labeling storage units can prevent accidents resulting from disorganized or congested spaces. By incorporating the evaluation of potential dangers into the proper management, a greater number of security risks can be detected and averted promptly (Mudiyanselage et al., 2021) .

Furthermore, efficient employee communication is critical during the execution of these duties. Communication can be accomplished via radios, hand signals, or other visual indicators to ensure that all individuals are cognizant of their surroundings and potential dangers. Additionally, it is critical to enforce weight limits for manual material handling duties, as carrying loads to the point of overextension frequently results in injuries in the workplace. It is essential to adhere to proper raising techniques, such as maintaining a straight spine while bending at the knees and employing leg muscles to elevate objects (Tae, 2005) .

3.2.3. Efficient Inventory Management

Efficient inventory management is also influenced by the environment of the manufacturing sector (Başaran, 2013) . Similar to the appropriate management of materials, the execution of inventory management in a streamlined and efficient manner yields distinct results that support operational excellence and improve business outcomes.

Among these outcomes are deliveries made on time. By implementing an effective inventory management system, manufacturers can guarantee the consistent availability of essential raw materials and components. Consequently, this substantially decreases the time needed to commence production after receiving an order. Hence, diminished lead times are feasible, empowering manufacturers to effectively fulfill consumer demands (Musara, 2012) . Warehouses that have appropriate storage methods and are organized through labels or barcodes are vital in guaranteeing the efficient keeping of items, which causes a decrease in the duration devoted to material inquiry and increases the overall velocity of the delivery process. Just-in-Time (JIT) inventory management is a technique for managing inventory that entails receiving and producing materials only when they are required for the manufacturing process (Jenkins, 2020) . This approach aims to mitigate inventory buildup and diminish carrying expenses, facilitating a more streamlined manufacturing process and expediting the fulfillment of orders.

Maintaining appropriate stock levels to prevent damage is one of the results of reducing operating costs (Radasanu, 2016) . Hemapriya and Uthayakumar (2017) found that manufacturers suffer huge financial losses when their products are damaged or expire before being sold. Similarly, effective inventory management enables manufacturers to achieve cost savings by completely eliminating stock-out incidents (Mor et al., 2021) . When a manufacturer runs out of an item, stock-outs occur, which may lead to lost sales and dissatisfied customers. Therefore, manufacturers must implement efficient inventory management practices in order to prevent revenue loss and cater to customer demands while minimizing stock-outs. Also, cost savings are realized due to the increased production efficiency that inventory management ensures.

Good inventory management practices guarantee that all necessary materials are consistently accessible to manufacturers for production (Vilchez et al., 2022) . Inventory management is crucial in mitigating production process delays caused by material unavailability, resulting in increased efficiency and reduced labor costs. For manufacturers, effective inventory management also reduces shipping expenses. Manufacturers must ensure that the supply of goods is consistent with consumer demand to optimize inventory management. This method decreases the necessity for tiny or time-sensitive orders, which typically result in increased shipping expenses. By consolidating orders, manufacturers can reduce shipping expenses by taking advantage of discounts (Glock & Kim, 2014) .

Inventory management is vital for fostering more productive relationships with suppliers. By developing effective inventory management techniques, manufacturers and suppliers can partner with one another in planning and sharing data about demand fluctuations, production forecasts, and inventory levels. This joint effort simplifies supplier operations to a level consistent with manufacturers’ demands for efficiency. Proper management of inventories does not mean maintaining inventory for the manufacturer’s infrequent or unpredictable demand. Suppliers and manufacturers must establish open communication channels to manage inventory properly (Goffin et al., 2006) . This open communication channel allows trust to take root and provides a more in-depth understanding of everyone’s needs.

3.2.4. Efficient Repair and Maintenance

This stability in the manufacturing industry makes restorations and maintenance far more efficient. Repairs and maintenance yield excellent returns. They strongly affect the success of a business as well as its operations. One such result is a higher level of staff motivation. To ensure top performance, the regulations and upkeep of manufacturing equipment are indispensable (Corciovă et al., 2020) . This kind of motivation not only promotes higher productivity and better product quality but also gives employees a sense of pride in seeing the actual results of their labor. Good maintenance of various forms of equipment reduces the risk that some future event will abruptly come along to upend things. It means a more secure working environment in which people can get on with their jobs without having to worry about unexpected dangers or loss (Mészáros et al., 2022) . In addition, a neat and well-organized workstation will be influenced by a less stressful and more pleasant atmosphere, which, in turn, will lead to increased motivation. An organization’s emphasis on restorations and maintenance signifies a corporate environment that sincerely concerns the welfare of its staff. This environment cultivates a sense of dedication and labor among personnel, enhancing the organization’s morale and motivation (Chandrasekar, 2011) .

The increased dependability of organizational apparatus also constitutes the outcome. Maintaining manufacturing equipment is essential for extending its useful life. If machines are adequately maintained, they experience minimal deterioration, which leads to a reduced frequency of unscheduled replacements and extended periods of continuous operation. Another benefit of maintenance is that it guarantees that the manufacturer has maintained the equipment according to standard maintenance guidelines (Mehmeti et al., 2018) . By adhering to these guidelines, manufacturers can prevent warranty voids and guarantee the equipment’s dependability for the duration of its anticipated lifetime. Furthermore, data analytics are currently employed in contemporary maintenance practices to optimize strategies (Lee et al., 2017) . Due to careful examination of data and the discovery of trends in machine performance, manufacturers can confidently perform maintenance work that enhances equipment reliability.

Another very important consequence is improved workplace safety (Furman, 2020) . During maintenance, manufacturers replace the deteriorated or damaged components to prevent them from becoming safety hazards. The functionality and safety of all the equipment are guaranteed by substituting components (Vandenberg, 2023) . Therefore, the organization conducts daily inspections of flooring, stairs, and passageways to find possible hazards that may result in falls or slides. These inspections create a safe and orderly working environment and perform routine equipment and system inspections to find potential fire hazards. By constantly maintaining these systems, manufacturers can reduce electrical fire dangers and improve safety in a factory environment (Rangel et al., 2014) . An important maintenance area is the inspection and upkeep of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), such as protective jackets, helmets, goggles, or mittens. There is also a need to ensure that personnel wear properly fitted Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to improve their safety as they perform (Lee et al., 2021) .

3.2.5. Stable Environment

A stable manufacturing industry environment means excellent results in terms of production (Chromjaková et al., 2017) . Ongoing progress is just one of those results. A manufacturing system operating smoothly and in an orderly manner can generate considerable data suitable for collection or analysis. By utilizing real-time production metrics, this data-driven strategy enables manufacturing organizations to identify patterns, trends, and opportunities for improvement (Khayyati & Tan, 2021) . Additionally, the seamless operation of production facilitates the identification of potential problem causes, enabling organizations to address underlying issues and implement corrective actions to prevent recurrences. Routine operations frequently necessitate the implementation of standardized processes and workflows. This standardization aims to establish a benchmark for comparison, thereby facilitating the identification of deviations from the norm and suggesting possible avenues for enhancement.

Moreover, efficient production processes are a factor in employee engagement and job satisfaction. An environment where employees face fewer challenges and frustrations daily fosters their motivation to actively participate in ongoing development initiatives (Trojanowska et al., 2018) . Once more, organizations can allocate resources toward innovation and experimentation once production has brought about stability. They can promote continuous improvement while enhancing efficiency and productivity through the testing of concepts, technologies, and procedures. Product quality is an additional critical outcome. Production efficiency frequently results from adhering to and defining Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). By functioning as principles that govern the entire manufacturing procedure, these effectively mitigate the probability of mistakes and elevate the standard of the end product (De Treville et al., 2005) . By reducing interruptions and operational difficulties, which are frequently the root causes of flaws, efficient production reduces the quantity of imperfections in the final product (Kogan et al., 2004) .

Moreover, within an ideal production environment, personnel are inclined to acquire comprehensive training and demonstrate notable involvement in their responsibilities. Motivated and well-prepared personnel exhibit a heightened level of attention to detail and consistently show a steadfast dedication to providing products of the highest quality. Additionally, real-time quality indicator monitoring is possible in an optimal production environment. By monitoring production data, organizations can ensure that deviations are promptly addressed and quality concerns are resolved on time (Halme et al., 2019) . The achievement of uninterrupted production is contingent upon the execution of quality control protocols, which aim to minimize disruptions and uphold consistent processes. Compliance with quality control requirements enables organizations to diligently monitor the quality of their products throughout the manufacturing process, enabling the immediate detection and correction of any defects that may occur and also efficiently using resources.

Waste reduction is facilitated by the implementation of efficient production methods throughout the manufacturing process. Manufacturers can enhance resource utilization by reprocessing and substantially decreasing material refuse and other types of waste by identifying and resolving inefficiencies. Furthermore, implementing streamlined production processes positively impacts energy efficiency (Fatima & Tufail, 2023) . Energy wastage is substantially diminished when production flows are optimized and periods of inactivity are minimized, which results in the effective utilization of energy resources. The optimization of production processes empowers manufacturing organizations to allocate their limited resources strategically. They can precisely organize labor, materials, and apparatus to meet production demands without overworking or underusing resources (Diaz & Dornfeld, 2012) .

3.3. Manufacturing Industry Environment

The phrase “manufacturing industry environment” refers to a wide range of internal and external factors that influence and shape the operations, strategies, and ultimate success of businesses engaged in manufacturing. The environment is complex and diverse, comprising essential elements such as technological advancements, compliance with regulations, inclusiveness, structural frameworks, and economic trends (Górny, 2022) . A convergence of technical, economic, regulatory, labor, environmental, and market factors shapes the manufacturing sector. Besides strategic planning and flexibility, effective passage through this environment also requires staying one step ahead to keep up with innovation by always engaging in continued development.

3.3.1. Technological Advancements

Revolutionary changes in manufacturing technology have greatly improved innovation, productivity, and efficiency. IBM (2022) defines “Industry 4.0” as a conceptual term created by how sensors and devices inserted into production equipment transform the process from the production line to the batch or even with each component being processed individually. After using this technology, devices will be able to instantly collect and communicate real-time data. This type of technique has the potential to provide important insights into the functioning of industrial processes, as indicated by the results of studies conducted by Elias et al. (2020) , using techniques driven by this data, manufacturers may be supported to optimize resource allocation, reduce equipment breakdown, and improve decision-making capabilities.

Interestingly, most production extensively uses robots, modern technology, and other forms. Production lines are reconfigured to achieve consistency and speed when using automation. Robots can also perform many other continuous tasks, such as assembly, welding, and painting. Moreover, robots and modern technology can help reduce manual work and human errors (Chaudari et al., 2017) . According to Hussain and Pangilinan (2023) , Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning technologies have led to the development of new data analysis methods, such as predictive analytics and pattern identification. Besides cutting costs and improving quality control, various AI-driven systems can perform decision-making for manufacturers’ processes and automate production (Bloss, 2013) .

These future technologies have already reshaped organizations’ operating procedures and workers’ duties. With the advent of automation, repetitive tasks that were once handled manually have become robotized (Saunders, 2018) . This technological revolution changes workers’ obligations, reducing reliance on heavy labor or repetitive procedures that humans have performed in the past, especially in material handling (Chang & Huynh, 2016) . Employees may be tasked with the supervision and maintenance of automated systems, in addition to programming robots and completing tasks that require their distinct human judgment abilities, creativity, and problem-solving skills, rather than participating in such activities.

The manufacturing environment generates enormous amounts of data due to technological advancements (Li et al., 2022) . Considering the widespread dependency of most manufacturing operations, it is the responsibility of employees to manage and effectively analyze this data to gain insights, improve decision-making capabilities, and optimize operational processes, such as material handling, inventory control, repair and maintenance, and production. Responsibilities in the production sector may include gathering and analyzing data and applying analytics tools to oversee production performance, quality metrics, and predictive maintenance (Vodenčarević & Fett, 2015) . The perpetual advancement of technology empowers manufacturers to streamline operations and integrate lean manufacturing tenets. Given the continuous interdependence of manufacturing systems and their reliance on data-driven analysis, personnel must be able to examine the information at hand thoroughly. This analysis effectively identifies areas that could benefit improvement, encouraging active engagement in optimizing processes (van den Berg et al., 2013) . Advances in software and systems used for inventory management have changed the whole process of manufacturing, especially monitoring and managing stock (Akindipe, 2014) .

Nowadays, parcel tracking is being done through the use of digital technology. Employees no longer need to periodically count and record on paper but instead have charts that describe cumulative inventory levels at the current time as well as estimates of future demand, allowing accurate inventory status at all times. When it comes to manufacturing, the integration of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and predictive maintenance technology has brought about dramatic changes in the way repairs are performed (Nangia et al., 2020) . It is critical to have this capability to guarantee that people can monitor the status of their devices using real-time data rather than only reacting to potential problems. By using this updated calculation technique, workers can plan when maintenance is required and schedule repairs to coincide with scheduled unavailability periods in the production process (Lee et al., 2019; Upasani et al., 2017) , thereby reducing the number of interruptions that occur during the production process.

Therefore, these emergent transformations in work attributes have also given rise to the necessary skill sets. Mandatory skill sets include technology skills, the ability to accept technological progress and innovation, time management, and self-management techniques needed for professional development on the job. In addition, they must have proficiency in continuing education as a systematic approach to career advancement (Andriole, 2018) . Also emerging alongside the increased demand for new skills are new job positions. Data analysts, programming officers for robotics maintenance, cyber security specialists, and supply chain digitalization officers are among these (Andriole, 2018) .

Saunders (2018) states, “Historically, technology has been a catalyst for economic expansion, an enabler to better employment opportunities, and an enhancer to living standards”. Globally, the manufacturing sector has undergone significant transformations, with technological advancements being the primary catalysts. Digitization and automation have significantly transformed production processes, resulting in increased output, precision, and efficiency in material handling, inventory management, restorations and maintenance, and manufacturing. As a result, employment responsibilities have been altered to accommodate employees’ adaptation to novel technologies and the acquisition of sophisticated proficiencies. In addition, organizations have created new positions to enhance their readiness to confront the swift technological advancements.

3.3.2. Legal Compliance

Maintaining compliance in the manufacturing sector requires an ongoing dedication to upholding both legal obligations and ethical standards. Material handling, inventory control, repairs and maintenance, and production are all aspects of manufacturing where compliance is relevant concerning workplace safety, the environment, supply chain management, and work ethics. An increasing recognition of the significance of employee engagement in compliance is justified, especially in light of the controversies that have befallen major corporations such as Volkswagen (VW), Siemens, and Walmart (Busse & Doganer, 2018) . Employees who experience a sense of disconnection during the introductory phase may encounter various adverse outcomes, such as impaired understanding, animosity, anxiety, and a decline in overall operational effectiveness. Promoting employee engagement from the outset can potentially augment staff acceptability and performance. In general, through the prioritization of compliance, manufacturing companies endeavor to safeguard the welfare of their employees, uphold consumer confidence, and establish a lawful corporate reputation. It is imperative to recognize that failure to adhere to these compliance standards can result in legal action, regulatory penalties, and subsequent damage to brand reputation and customer dissatisfaction (Hellemans, 2022) .

Compliance has a significant impact on employee work responsibilities, particularly in the areas of material handling, inventory management, restorations and maintenance, and production. In order to guarantee adherence to safety regulations during the earlier duties, personnel might be required to complete supplementary training, implement novel protocols, and utilize specialized safety apparatus. Furthermore, they might be obligated to carry out routine safety inspections, contribute to safety committees, and expeditiously communicate any identified safety risks. In a similar vein, adherence to product safety protocols might necessitate the implementation of supplementary testing procedures, more stringent documentation prerequisites, or improved quality control protocols (Wang et al., 2021) . Therefore, employees may be required to execute quality control inspections, verify the precision of labeling and documentation procedures, and, if required, engage in product recall operations as part of their professional obligations. Hazards can be assessed, safety improvements can be suggested, and actual and prospective hazards can be actively addressed (Sylla, 2002) . Employees may be required to perform job duties differently in order to guarantee compliance with environmental regulations. Potential measures include integrating innovative waste management techniques, implementing energy-conserving practices, or utilizing sustainably sourced materials (Woo & Kang, 2021) . They must monitor environmental performance actively, provide accurate and timely data reports, and offer suggestions for enhancements whenever feasible (Remmen & Lorentzen, 2000) .

As previously stated, integrating technology into manufacturing processes has resulted in a surge in data-handling activities that necessitate adherence to regulatory standards (Canhoto, 2009) . Employees may have additional duties, including securing sensitive data, effectively implementing data protection measures, and verifying appropriate consent for data usage (Kabanov, 2016) . Additionally, they must maintain constant vigilance in safeguarding customer information, comprehensively understand data privacy policies, and promptly disclose any possible breaches they discover (Guerriero et al., 2018) . The field of compliance is expected to witness the emergence of novel employment roles, including compliance tracking officers, compliance facilitators, and internal compliance auditors (Bremer & Udovich, 2001) . Due to these positions, manufacturers may fulfill requirements more efficiently and improve compliance (Krambia-Kapardis et al., 2019) .

Maintaining compliance in the manufacturing sector consistently requires a steadfast dedication to both legal obligations and ethical conduct. Ensuring adherence to this requirement necessitates diligent surveillance, facilitated by routine audits, and fosters an organizational culture that fundamentally values compliance (Gangadharan, 2006) . Thus, compliance protects the welfare of employees, the rights of consumers to be protected, the pillars of environmental sustainability, and the invaluable reputation of the manufacturing sector (Shahrokni & Pelliccione, 2022) . On the other hand, manufacturing companies that do not consider these compliance guidelines may face legal repercussions or regulatory. Such consequences could have a detrimental impact on the company’s reputation and damage consumer trust (Magnan et al., 2011) .

Compliance modifications have a distinct impact on the duties and obligations of personnel and may result in the creation of fresh job roles (Khan, 2018) . Compliance policies are one example where policymakers must be updated with the various aspects of such policy and how seriously it impacts employee duties (Koetter et al., 2014) . Before starting, Policymakers must determine what laws, regulations, and industry standards are relevant to manufacturing activities. Only then should they scrutinize all job functions within every manufacturing organization to decide which duties and responsibilities are attached to each position (Korenko et al., 2015) . Therefore, this analysis should consider the extent to which employees perform compliance-related activities. This practice may involve using equipment, logging procedures, hazardous materials, or enforcing quality controls. Once these rules and job duties are specified, policymakers should specify the compliance obligations attached to each position (Koetter et al., 2014) . Detailed protocols, standards, actions, and methods must be precisely defined. This clarity will ensure that employees have a clear understanding of their responsibilities. Compliance expectations must be communicated effectively (Robinson & Franklin, 2015) . The significance of compliance and its impact on the success stories of individuals and organizations should be highlighted (Shannon, 2018) . These expectations should be communicated through all communication channels, such as employee handbooks, training courses, and meetings. Employees should also be reminded periodically of this clarity.

In addition, policymakers need to create an organizational ethos that encourages staff interpretation and voluntary disclosure of compliance issues and near-violations (Toffel & Short, 2008) . In order to collect a thought, employees will only feel encouraged and secure in raising their hands when channels for confidential reporting have been opened up (Aydan & Kaya, 2018) . In order to maintain organizational compliance as a top priority, policymakers must ensure that employees are constantly trained and reinforced (Khan, 2018) . Awareness campaigns, seminars, and refresher courses can effectively stress the importance of compliance. Employees should also know about any developments in this area (Hess, 2019) .

3.3.3. Diversity and Inclusion

Deloitte (2021) , a global provider of audit, consulting, financial advisory, risk advisory, tax, and legal services, explains, “The widening skills divide is one of the greatest challenges US manufacturers face today”. Unbelievably, the manufacturing sector in the United States is projected to experience more than 2.1 million job vacancies by 2030. In light of the current conditions, executives in the manufacturing sector are endeavoring to develop strategies that can effectively draw in and retain personnel (Komarova et al., 2019) . The overarching objective is to foster expansion and promote diversity within the industry. The digital transformation of the manufacturing sector is causing substantial alterations to the nature of work in “smart” factories, thereby demanding the development of an entirely new skill set (Mishchenko, 2022) . The digital disruptions further widen the pre-existing talent shortage and present a twofold obstacle: first, they require a redefinition of conventional job functions; second, they restrict prospective candidates solely to individuals with the necessary licenses and certifications to operate complex digital programming systems. As a result, organizations are compelled to meticulously devise strategies for guiding their personnel through this extensive digital revolution (Card & Nelson, 2019; Dorasamy, 2021) . Neglecting to do so could potentially lead to a persistent obstacle to the organizational agility of manufacturers for the foreseeable future (Baethge-Kinsky, 2020) .

As a result, it is crucial to shift away from limited qualifications and instead emphasize a broader range of skills that can still be relevant in the face of changing job listings. The report concludes that the manufacturing sector is compelled to pursue diversity and inclusion in the workforce (Sullivan, 2012) . This statement indicates that focusing solely on digital talent is insufficient to address the industry’s labor shortage situation (Jagannathan et al., 2019; Tommasi et al., 2022) . Leadership in the manufacturing industry must now acknowledge that critical determinants of the success and productivity of the manufacturing workforce of the future in a digital environment are critical human capabilities, including conceptual reasoning, decision-making, social adaptability, and motivation. In order to form a formidable talent strategy, organizations must implement a comprehensive Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) strategy. DEI has been duly recognized as a paramount concern within the manufacturing sector, as evidenced by its acceptance of this fact. Manufacturing corporations spanning various scales actively participate in the National Association of Manufacturers’ Pledge for Action by 2030. This initiative aims to promote parity and fairness for underrepresented communities (National Association of Manufacturers, 2023) . This balanced representation demonstrates the dedication to fostering a labor force that values and acknowledges individuals with varied origins. The individuals comprising these groups may differ concerning diversity-related factors such as race, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, and more.

The goal here is to create an environment at work where everyone feels they belong and where every staff member has a sense of dignity or self-respect, which also provides reasonable opportunities for the individual’s academic and professional development (Rink, 2005) . This goal is especially important regarding the connection between diversity and inclusion and employee work responsibilities in material handling, inventory management, repairs, and maintenance, which are all key production parts. First, for businesses to effectively promote diversity and inclusion within the workforce, their employees must partake in training activities that inculcate these values (Adjo et al., 2021) . These initiatives impart significant knowledge to employees regarding cultural sensitivity, inclusive leadership, implicit bias, and approaches to establishing an inclusive workplace. Individuals must integrate this knowledge into their daily obligations to meaningfully contribute to an inclusive and diverse work environment (Shore et al., 2018) . Furthermore, in addition to this obligation, these employees must cultivate robust cross-cultural communication capabilities (Mamzer, 2018) . Such proficiency would enable them to interact effectively with coworkers who possess diverse backgrounds. Proficient individuals in cross-cultural communication may be offered positions as specialists in that particular domain. These professionals are of utmost importance in facilitating connections between individuals by surmounting obstacles in communication, encouraging cooperation among heterogeneous groups, and providing insightful counsel on cultural sensitivity and inclusive approaches to communication (Ala-Louko, 2017; Jenifer & Raman, 2015) .

Collaborative dynamics emerge as a consequence of occupational obligations. These dynamics have the potential to foster productive relationships among colleagues, promoting unity within the team and enhancing comprehension among diverse individuals in the field of linguistics. Additionally, one of the position’s duties is actively seeking out and valuing diverse perspectives and ideas and adjusting oneself to various working methods (Levitt, 2019; Striković & Wittmann, 2022) . Given the circumstances, there is an increasing demand for individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to facilitate training sessions and seminars on cultural sensitivity, inclusive leadership, and bias mitigation (Greenwood et al., 2010; McGuire & Patterson, 2012) . These professionals have a function in creating and leading educational initiatives that strive to improve awareness and comprehension of diversity and inclusivity within manufacturing companies (Chavez & Weisinger, 2008) . By considering these, companies in the manufacturing sector create an inclusive environment where each voice is heard, and individuals continuously thrive from acknowledging different viewpoints and incorporating diverse insights into problem-solving and decision-making processes (Treven & Treven, 2007) .

Moreover, the direct influence of diversity and inclusion on the positions occupied by various individuals can be observed in the manufacturing sector (Tipper, 2004) . Inclusion and diversity requirements immediately impact the recruitment procedure because reassessing job prerequisites and requirements is of the utmost importance to prevent the unjust exclusion of underrepresented groups (Ellemers & Rink, 2016) . This approach allows manufacturing enterprises to generate all-encompassing job descriptions and prerequisites considering an extensive spectrum of expertise and experience (Ibrahim & Hasnan, 2014) . Consequently, job vacancies might experience transformations concerning the applicant pool, comprising individuals with diverse backgrounds, talents, and experiences (Tipper, 2004) . Furthermore, businesses may employ diversity recruitment specialists to exhibit their commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion. These experts will play a crucial role in enhancing the diversity of talent acquisition endeavors by developing efficient approaches to appeal to candidates from various demographic backgrounds (Freeman, 2003) . They conscientiously guarantee inclusive employment practices and equal opportunities throughout recruitment (Adjo et al., 2021) . When implementing DEI to ensure equal opportunity, leadership and decision-making become additional crucial concerns. According to Das (2019) and Kurochkina et al. (2023) , businesses that value inclusion should strive to build diverse leadership teams as a key objective. Due to this effort, executive roles will likely change as these companies strive to assemble leadership teams representing their employees and customers (Almansour, 2012) . According to Udin (2023) , this paradigm incentivizes leaders to actively engage in exchanging ideas, questioning preconceived beliefs, and engaging in a collaborative decision-making process.

Companies have reconsidered the work of Employee Resource Groups (ERGs), communities within companies made up of workers with similar identities and interests (Catalino et al., 2022) . Doing so will help it better respond to the concerns of employees and other stakeholders. When ERGs offer answers that don’t match what employees actually want, they can make employees feel neglected (Welbourne et al., 2015) . Conversely, ERG members who thought their needs were met felt more included in the workplace (Aragón-Correa et al., 2013) . This sense of belonging is illustrated by the fact that more workers rated their ERGs as productive than useless or ineffective. For this reason, it is important to ensure that the ERG meets both what employees want and the company’s DEI goals (Campbell-Wray & Durham, 2022) . To achieve this goal, there may be job shifts for workers to perform or be part of these groups, which will help the organization’s diversity and inclusion efforts and have a positive impact on them (Welbourne et al., 2017) .

Strengthening source diversity programs is essential for achieving major social and economic benefits, mainly in the industrial sector. Barrington et al. (2020) stated that the research examines the economic and social advantages of these projects and argues that businesses should re-evaluate their efforts and, if necessary, revise their prioritization of these projects. Supporting efforts to promote diversity and inclusion may include creating work that helps coordinate buyer diversity programs and building strong relationships with diverse suppliers. The responsibilities of these positions would include assessing and selecting various vendors, monitoring supplier diversity metrics, and promoting equal business opportunities for underrepresented groups (Adobor & McMullen, 2007) .

Establishing a professional atmosphere that prioritizes diversity and inclusion significantly impacts job duties. More inclusive decision-making is achieved by encouraging collaboration, nurturing open communication channels, enhancing cultural competence among employees, and recognizing biases. Diverse areas of sustained personal development are fostered by job responsibility. New positions such as supplier-relations managers, ERG leaders, diversity recruitment specialists, inclusion trainers, and cross-cultural communication specialists arise specifically in the manufacturing sector.

3.4. Organizational Structures

3.4.1. Formalization

As a component of organizational structure, formalization substantially affects a business’s performance metrics. Formalization refers to the degree to which an organization establishes and enforces written policies, procedures, and position descriptions to manage its activities (Victer, 2020) . Particularly in the manufacturing sector, the statistical significance of increased organizational performance is not significantly influenced by the complexity of hierarchical structures (Ahmada & Fakhr, 2022) . This information establishes a strong basis for the importance of an efficient organizational framework within the manufacturing sector. The correlation between employee behaviors and the degree to which organizational structure influences employee responsibilities has been established formally. A control mechanism may be regarded as an effective structural framework that guarantees the efficient execution of tasks to pursue predetermined objectives. Flexible formalization structures significantly influence employees’ propensity for innovation and commitment to their organizations. Given the significant influence of organizational structure on employee behavior, it is widely acknowledged that alterations in organizational structure, particularly formalization, result in modifications to employees’ work responsibilities. Prior research has extensively examined the administration of formalization within multinational corporations, its impact on enhancing the efficiency of global teams, and the importance of their work (Gibson et al., 2019; Hempel et al., 2012; Kim et al., 2003) . Formalization has been perceived as a mechanism that supports global teams, as opposed to a means of constraining and regulating them. Formalization has assisted groups in overcoming obstacles and deriving success from their efforts. Organizations have benefited from its assistance in managing the tensions between local responsiveness and global integration in today’s complex world (Chae & Hill, 2000) . Employee responsibilities can be modified by modifying the production structure, which establishes precise definitions for their positions. In the manufacturing industry, formalization frequently necessitates the creation of exhaustive job descriptions that specify the duties, responsibilities, and expectations of each position (Darbinyan, 2018) . Formalized structures and job descriptions specify each position’s responsibilities, duties, and authority. This results in increased accountability within roles as a whole.

Formalization greatly impacts worker training and development, ultimately leading to permanent changes in job responsibilities. Formalization also affects workers’ obligations from the framework setting (Skorková, 2020) . Businesses can create training programs tailored to the specific jobs and competencies required for each person’s role by clearly delineating individual job duties. Implementation of systematic procedures ensures that individuals have the necessary abilities to perform their duties effectively. Companies can continuously improve employee performance by identifying opportunities for higher efficiency and increased efficiency and taking necessary corrective actions (Ohler et al., 2018) . Documents, therefore, have a role to play for the reason that documents play a part in formalization. According to Rand and Torm (2012) , implementing techniques increases employee responsibility, efficiency, and effectiveness. Formal changes to the manufacturing industry will raise safety and risk management concerns. Therefore, during the formalization process, it must be emphasized that one of the most important aspects of ensuring a working environment is for employees to fulfill their job responsibilities with rules and established safety standards (Chen & Rainey 2014) . Work responsibilities are clearly defined within the quality management system, including conducting inspections and testing and ensuring compliance with established quality standards.

3.4.2. Production Sector Changes

The manufacturing sector, especially those involved in formalization, may undergo changes that create new employment opportunities in line with the ever-changing requirements and objectives of the industry. A process documentation specialist is an example of such a role; their primary duty entails the documentation and upkeep of comprehensive process documentation, encompassing process diagrams, work instructions, and standard operating procedures (Savastano et al., 2019) . These experts guarantee that procedures are unambiguously delineated, easily obtainable, and maintained current, promoting uniformity and adherence in manufacturing operations (Pennathur & Mital, 2003) . The emergence of modifications in formalization may also give rise to the possibility of a training and development manager role. These individuals specialize in developing and implementing training initiatives that empower staff members to comprehend and comply with established occupational obligations. They conduct evaluations of training requirements, create instructional resources, and implement campaigns to improve understanding, proficiency, and adherence throughout the establishment. Organizations frequently prioritize continuous development initiatives within a formalized setting (Wiseman et al., 2014) . This emphasis may result in appointing facilitators of continuous improvement who oversee improvement initiatives, involve staff in problem-solving endeavors, and administer lean or Six Sigma methodologies (Sanchez-Ruiz et al., 2022) . Their overarching objective is cultivating a perpetual development culture within the manufacturing sector.

Constraints regarding compliance are further reinforced by formalization; therefore, compliance analysts are indispensable for the surveillance and analysis of compliance-related data (Buccafurri et al., 2015) . They perform audits to verify compliance with regulatory standards. Their responsibilities include evaluating compliance deficiencies that have been identified, offering suggestions for enhancement, and aiding in the establishment and upkeep of compliance management systems (Silveira et al., 2012) .

Ultimately, the influence of changes in organizational structure, especially formalization, on the work responsibilities of employees in the manufacturing sector is of great interest. By using standardized procedures and focusing on compliance, the formalization process reorients the allocation, execution, and evaluation of work to improve operational efficiency, quality assurance, and compliance. The dynamic characteristics of occupational duties and obligations have resulted in increasingly difficult and intricate positions, specifically within the manufacturing industry (Velciu, 2018) . However, maintaining the right approach is of the utmost importance as too much emphasis on formalization can be detrimental to an employee’s career and may pose specific disadvantages such as inhibition of initiative, creativity, and personal development of personnel (Sievert et al., 2022) . Moreover, it can shift towards a mindset more concerned with processes rather than achieving specific objectives, thus making the system vague and rigid (Skorková, 2020) .

3.5. Economic Trends

There is a strong relationship between the manufacturing sector and economic trends. Current economic fluctuations may significantly impact many aspects of this sector, including production levels, employment rates and Investment guidelines, supply chain dynamics, and consumer demand. A comprehensive understanding of these interconnected elements has become essential for policymakers, businesses, and constituents operating in the manufacturing sector (Johansson et al., 2016) . This understanding will enable them to navigate economic transition strategies while promoting sustainable development expertly.

3.5.1. Economic Changing

Manufacturing output and overall efficiency are highly sensitive to economic climate fluctuations. These changes significantly impact employees’ job responsibilities, especially in materials handling, inventory management, repair and maintenance, and production (Başaran, 2013) . An instance of such an effect is research and development. However, the precise ramifications for job duties may differ based on variables, including the manufacturing sector’s characteristics, organizational magnitude, and individual positions (Sarpong et al., 2022) . Economic trends possess the capacity to influence the trajectory and significance of manufacturing industry Research and Development (R&D) initiatives. Manufacturers typically allocate greater resources to Research and Development (R&D) during periods of economic expansion, aiming to develop novel products or improve upon preloaded ones (Ghosh, 2009) . As a result, personnel involved in research and development may bear an increased burden of work that may entail conducting market research, conducting design enhancements or prototypes, and collaborating with diverse teams. Novel job roles, including innovation managers, may emerge. These experts supervise the development and implementation of novel concepts and state-of-the-art technologies within the R&D department, utilizing their knowledge of innovation management (Bigliardi et al., 2011) . They identify potential areas for innovation and ensure that all R&D efforts align with the overarching business objectives as key collaborators across multiple cross-functional teams within an organization (Kumari et al., 2015) . A growing demand exists for product development-specialized engineers as a more immediate reaction to the substantial economic changes affecting the manufacturing sector. Their duties include creating prototypes, developing efficient production processes, and ensuring that current products are refined to the highest quality standards (Sallati et al., 2019) .

Additionally, these economic changes require better systems to protect and manage critical intellectual property. Economic changes demand Intellectual Property (IP) managers with the robust skills to conduct patent research, develop efficient IP strategies, and supervise streamlined filing and licensing procedures (Bera, 2009) . Furthermore, it may be necessary for market research analysts to conduct comprehensive evaluations of ever-changing market dynamics, consumer inclinations, and emergent patterns. By extracting valuable insights from scrupulously collected and analyzed data, these professionals discern viable market opportunities, ascertain customer preferences, and analyze competitor strategies. The results obtained through rigorous data analysis are crucial in empowering research and development teams to advance efficiently by offering effective guidance for product development endeavors (Trott, 2001) .

3.5.2. Responsibility Changing

Alterations in employee obligations stemming from fluctuations in economic trends are frequent within the transportation and logistics sector. Manufacturers may be compelled to adapt their procurement strategies in response to global economic or trade policy shifts, which may entail exploring alternative suppliers or navigating emergent trade regulations. As a result, personnel accountable for supply chain management activities, such as procurement operations, inventory control measures, and logistics practices, may experience a reallocation of their respective duties (Johnson & Haug, 2021) . Organizations may discover it necessary to cultivate fresh supplier relationships, proficiently oversee customs procedures, and optimize transportation systems and distribution networks. Similar to R&D, there may be the emergence of new positions carrying additional responsibilities. An example of such a role is that of a supply chain analyst. As the intricacies of the worldwide supply chain continue to grow, it is conceivable that organizations may discover it imperative to employ experts with specialized knowledge in the analysis of supply chain data (Childerhouse & Towill, 2006) . These individuals are of utmost importance in optimizing processes and identifying potential areas for enhancement. Implementing supply chain analysts’ data analytics and modeling methodologies facilitates enhanced supply chain efficiency, cost minimization, and risk assessment (Gopal et al., 2022) . In addition, the expertise of a risk management specialist can be advantageous in the identification of potential hazards, formulation of mitigation strategies, and execution of measures aimed at fortifying supply chain resilience (Soleymani & Nejad, 2018) . Furthermore, they conscientiously observe worldwide economic circumstances, alterations in regulations, and geopolitical factors that may have the potential to impact operations within the supply chain (Badurdeen et al., 2010) .

3.5.3. Customer Engagement

Crucial aspects such as customer engagement and sales are significantly influenced by economic fluctuations that affect the obligations of personnel in the manufacturing industry. The manufacturing sector’s customer engagement and sales functions are susceptible to adjustments due to fluctuations in consumer demand brought about by economic trends (Feng et al., 2010) . It is worth noting that during periods of economic expansion, sales opportunities increase, leading to heightened responsibilities for employees in sales and customer service. These responsibilities include effectively managing higher volumes of inquiries, proficiently negotiating contractual terms, and providing exceptional support services (Ulaga & Loveland, 2014) . Conversely, in times of economic downturn, these personnel must prioritize cost reduction, nurture pre-existing customer relationships, and formulate novel strategies to sustain present levels of product or service sales. Economic trends inevitably lead to the emergence of unknown job functions or adjustments to established positions, such as that of sales analysts. Given the proliferation of sales data and the increasing dependence on data-driven decision-making, organizations must identify specialists who proficiently analyze this data (Simkin & Dibb, 2012) . These experts comprehensively examine sales performance metrics to identify significant trends or patterns. They then apply these insights as valuable resources to inform strategic decision-making and efforts to optimize performance (Bolander et al., 2021) .

The demand for people who know how to use these platforms will increase as social media becomes more popular for connecting with customers and promoting brands. Lev-On (2017) states that managers must manage the organization’s various social media accounts well. According to a study by Bossio et al. (2020) , they are responsible for keeping an eye on the conversation around their brand and writing engaging content to keep people interested. Creating a social media plan that suits marketing and sales goals is another thing they are responsible for. One important part of this strategy is looking at social media site metrics to get more people interacting with each other, which helps find new leads. Dramatically increasing customer standards is another reason why managers have increased customer experience. These experts are committed to seamlessly establishing positive consumer interactions at all touchpoints (Fanta & Ayman, 2021) . Through meticulous analysis of consumer feedback, they ascertain areas that require improvement in conjunction with cross-functional teams. They formulate efficacious strategies explicitly engineered to ensure customer satisfaction (Mittal et al., 2017) . The result is initiatives driven by objectives that generate consumer retention, loyalty, and satisfaction.

The manufacturing sector is susceptible to significant impacts from economic fluctuations, market disruptions, industry trends, and changes in employee responsibilities (Baldwin & Macdonald, 2009) . Such impacts may arise due to modifications in supply chain dynamics, technological advancements, or shifts in consumer demands. Personnel may need to adapt their responsibilities in response to these changes. A change in an employee’s responsibilities may bring additional abilities or understanding and the adoption of alternative approaches to work (Ciez, 2023) .

4. Conclusion

The manufacturing industry is one of the critical industries in any economy globally. Unlike any other place, changes are made in big lobs after every wave of technological advancement or legal decision that took part in making history. The sector has undergone reforms and had a massive influence on what people do. Various key components, such as material handling, inventory management, production maintenance, and rehabilitation, are changing significantly. Another key component is effective materials management in order to ensure the timely availability of resources for production, which helps balance demand and supply. Hence, such management plays an important role in increasing production effectiveness, dropping costs, and ensuring product quality. Also, inventory management is a supportive process in ensuring that goods can be delivered on time while reducing waste and other forms of losses, improving production efficiency, and developing more influential relationships with suppliers. Maintaining and restoration programs are typical components of any production unit, contributing to the security of workers on duty, leadership alongside personnel, as well as ensuring a long life span for pieces of equipment involved in all processes.

Technologically, Industry 4.0 solutions are being adopted and revolutionizing the ways of production by introducing ideas like sensor devices, automated tools, robots, or even some forms of artificial intelligence. The most significant is that these innovations not only improve the process of finding innovative solutions, but also change their ways and distribution, which implies having technologically-savvy personnel who must continuously learn. Furthermore, more and more organizations with limited funds need effective data management as well as analysis for improved decision-making and processes that run on the back end. Compliance with regulatory requirements remains a top concern, especially regarding ensuring workplace safety and adhering to sustainability practices—from environmental-friendly manufacturing processes to ethical handling within supply chains. This practice of compliance has meant that the sector now exists with a position called Compliance Officer and Internal Auditor, which is nothing but measures to make sure they are above standards that help them try to protect their image.

The formal organization and the changing economic models also face the manufacturing industry. Formalization is the aspect of any organization that inhibits variations from occurring. It typically supports global teams due to managing local and global operational tensions through changing employees’ behavior as well as job roles concerning strict structure with structured policies alongside procedures that organizations are implementing. On the other hand, over-formalization is a deterrent to any creative activity and drains self-improvement. Production levels, employment rates, investment practices, and consumer preferences are also strongly correlated with economic trends. Consequently, economic changes have contributed to increased research and development activities and advancements in procurement functions. Furthermore, workforce development has to be flexible and innovative to support communities due to economic transformations in the industry and adopt a more customer-centric approach.

To conclude, diverse and flexible approaches are paramount to transforming the manufacturing sector. The innovation and technology will promote an inclusive, vibrant work environment and formal organization that drives human capabilities across other skills, and the economy will enhance, integrating with technological advancement and developing strict compliance rules. Those changes will not only determine the further course of the manufacturing industry, but also outline critical future development and competition strategies and skill sets.

Conflicts of Interest

The author declares no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this paper.


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