Advances in Infectious Diseases

Advances in Infectious Diseases

ISSN Print: 2164-2648
ISSN Online: 2164-2656

Call For Papers

Special Issue on COVID-19 Research

COVID-19 Research is an academic topic that encompasses the scientific study of the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, and the disease it causes, COVID-19. This field of research emerged in response to the global pandemic and aims to increase our understanding of the virus, its transmission, prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and the impact it has on individuals and communities. Researchers in this field investigate various aspects of the virus, including its genetic makeup, structure, and how it interacts with the human body. COVID-19 Research also focuses on developing and evaluating diagnostic tests to identify infected individuals and track the spread of the virus. In the field of treatment, researchers explore potential antiviral drugs, therapies, and vaccines to mitigate the severity of the disease, reduce hospitalizations, and prevent further transmission. Studies also investigate the effectiveness of existing drugs, such as repurposing medications used for other conditions, in treating COVID-19. Additionally, COVID-19 Research examines the impact of the pandemic on mental health, social dynamics, and healthcare systems. It investigates the psychological and emotional effects of prolonged isolation, the economic consequences, and the disparities in healthcare access and outcomes. COVID-19 Research plays a crucial role in informing effective public health strategies, including vaccination campaigns, testing protocols, contact tracing efforts, and public health interventions. It helps to guide policymakers, healthcare providers, and communities in making informed decisions to mitigate the impact of the pandemic and protect public health.

In this special issue, we intend to invite front-line researchers and authors to submit original research and review articles on COVID-19 Research. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Epidemiology
  • Virology
  • Immunology
  • Genomics
  • Clinical research
  • Diagnostics and therapeutics
  • Emerging treatment strategies
  • Vaccinology
  • Drug development
  • Transmission dynamics and risk factors
  • Response of healthcare systems
  • COVID-19 modeling
  • Prevention and public health
  • Neurologic outcomes of COVID-19
  • Psychological and emotional effects
  • Post COVID-19 condition
  • Health informatics and services

Authors should read over the journal’s For Authors carefully before submission. Prospective authors should submit an electronic copy of their complete manuscript through the journal’s Paper Submission System.

Please kindly notice that the “Special Issue” under your manuscript title is supposed to be specified and the research field “Special Issue – COVID-19 Research” should be chosen during your submission.

According to the following timetable:

Submission Deadline

November 8th, 2023

Publication Date

January 2024

For publishing inquiries, please feel free to contact the Editorial Assistant at

AID Editorial Office

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